Chapter 17

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Jax POV:

When we drop off Savannah I am anxious to get this over with. I'm happy the piece of shit is dead; I just wish I would have been the one to end his life. He deserves to suffer for what he did but I guess it's too late for that. I know that Savannah was relieved when she hear the news, I could see it in her eyes. I think a part of her actually loved him and that was partly the reason she didn't want us to find him. Savannah never admitted that to me but I know her all too well and when she loves, she loves full-heartedly. Distracted in my own world I almost miss the turn and I quickly recover to follow the rest of the guys before they notice I am side-tracked.

Savannah POV:

"How did you find me?" Is the only thing I can say as I stare at the gun pointed in my direction.

"Well, it was actually harder than you think, you know since you fucken lied about your name the whole time we were together." Mike tells me flustered.

"How?" I say again.

"Okay, I went to a friend of my dad's and asked him to trace you're name. You no credit cards, your cell phone, anything. But I'm sure you know there is no one named Savannah Marie Davis. So after I hit a dead-end I went to everyone you ever knew and I threatened them all. Your stupid slut of a roommate and even our old neighbour who had the hot's for you." He says smugly reminiscing in the fear he must have put into them.

I scoff.

"No wait, let me finish. So then after they knew nothing I thought long and hard who would. Then I had an idea. You wouldn't be able to get a job or even go to school with your fake name so they must know what you're real name was. I visited the office you used to work at and used my powers and persuasions to get you're employee file."

"You're sick." I say with fury.

You should really stop interrupting me it's not very lady like. So anyways, then I find you're real name, Savannah Jane Morrow. After that I looked up your parents and found the address for that crap whole they call a garage. I came to charming and watched for a week. You weren't here and the trail went cold. That is until a month ago when you suddenly re-appeared from where ever the fuck you were hiding out. Now here we are, reunited at last." He says with a grim smile.

"What do you want?" I am able to say out of my shaky voice.

"What do you think?" Mike yells viciously before he goes on. "I came to find you babe. I knew how mad you were at me and I needed to apologize, so I could get you back." He says growing calmer.

"I don't want to go back with you!" I spit as his eyes turn black.

"I spent months searching for you, you ungrateful little bitch. I gave you everything you ever wanted! I never made you work; I made it up to you after we fought. What else did you fucken want?" He asks coming closer to me and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I back away and try to stay calm as I respond.

"How about a man who didn't beat me, is that too much to ask for?" I say bitterly.

"I said I was sorry! You always hold a fucken grudge" He says through his teeth.

"Mike, I think you should leave. I promise I won't tell anyone you came back, just get out please." I beg and look back down at Half-sack who is still unconscious.

"I spent months looking for you and you want me to just leave?" He asks.

"If they find you, they're going to kill you. It's better for you if you just go!" I say trying to persuade him as the gun in his hand has not faltered from its previous position.

"Oh don't worry about me. Right now they are all going half an hour away to ID my 'body'." He says putting air quotes on the word.

"How did you know?" I ask slightly stunned.

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