Chapter 5

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Jax POV:

After seeing Savannah this morning I feel like shit. When she saw me all covered in blood she looked so scared. Me being covered in blood is a regular occurrence and if we got together I don't think she could handle seeing that shit. Much less want to be near me when I have just come from killing someone. She deserves better than me. She deserves a guy who can take care of her without committing a crime. I'm just a biker loser who was too stupid to finish high school much less go to college and get a good job. Clay walks into my dorm room where I am sitting on my bed and speaks looking very tired and frustrated.

"Hey, church right now something's happened with Tig.

"Alright." I say and follow him to the chapel. We take our seats as the meeting commences.

"Trammel called and told me they found two dead Mexi whores in the warehouse hole. Our illegal gun warehouse. Then our boy Tig over informs me he was hitting them and right now they got bellies full of fucken Tigger juice." Clay says through his teeth.

"Jesus Christ." I say.

"You did time, shithead. You're in the DNA database. Now you put us all at fucken risk. If a forensic team gets a hold of those bodies-"Jeff states agitated before Tig cuts him off.

"I'll go pull them out of there." Tig tries as a solution.

"Hales going to be watching that place day and night." Juice chimes in.

"I'll gut them dead bitches. Fill their bellies with bleach... no DNA." Tig once again suggests.

"What kind of nasty shit did your momma do to you?" Piney asks as the rest of the voices at the table begin to rise signaling the start of an argument.

"I called Otto's sister and she said a Lodi forensic team is gunna be here by morning." Juice adds fire to the screaming voices.

"Okay boys calm down. What if we came up with something that takes precedence over a burnt down warehouse and couple of wetback gashes?" I say calmly.

"Only one thing is gunna stop a Lodi forensic team from getting to our warehouse, and that's another murder in Lodi." Clay says.

"Yep." Tig agrees quickly. "We hit the projects find ourselves a dealer or a scum bag." He suggests.

"I don't know." I sigh before I continue. "Hale's on red alert; Mayans, Nords- everyone's twitchy as hell, man. It's not a good time to kill." I inform.

"It's never a good time, but were talking about protecting Tig here and staying out of ATF's crosshairs. Tig you set it up." Clay says as Tig gets up and heads for the door before I stop him.

"Hey. Would if I could do this without spilling blood?" I say.

"Let's hear it." Jeff demands.

"All we need for murder are bodies and a crime scene.

"Jackie boy now you lost me." Chibs questions.

"Skeeter, he's always got more gambling debt than he can handle. I'll make it worth his while." I tell the table full of confused men.

"The cemetery guy?" Bobby asks.

"Yeah, I give Lodi a front page murder and we don't stir up another shit storm that bites in the ass. What you guys think?" I ask them as Clay cuts in.

"Path of least resistance always best, right?" He agrees with me.

"Alright we do it your way V.P." Jeff also agrees. We all get up and pile out of the chapel separating onto different paths. I grab Juice, Half-sack and Chibs and head off to go see Skeeter. When we arrive he is pulling some ashes out of the furnace with his shovel.

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