Chapter 24

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Chapter 25

Savannah POV:

I haven't seen Jax all day and have been left pretty much in the dark about this whole plan of theirs. It worries me, what they do and what they have done in order to protect me. If something were to go wrong and any of them were to suffer or be punished in any way, I don't know how I would live with myself. My mom and I were under strict orders to stay at her house with Half-Sack and not to leave under any circumstances. Neither of us received any calls and it was causing us to both be left in the dark. Half-Sack on the other hand had his phone ringing regularly but would refuse to tell us anything that was going on apparently for our own protection.

My mom was getting pretty agitated with that answer and now half way through the day his phone rang again.

"Hello?" Half-Sack says quietly trying not to draw our attention to him but it was a lost cause.

"Yeah, Okay, I'll bring her there now." He says before hanging up quickly.

"What happened? Bring who where?" My mom cuts in automatically.

"Clay's on the way back here to explain everything to you Gemma but Jax wants me to bring Savvy to his house." Half-Sack says slightly annoyed since we have been bothering him all day.

"Why doesn't he just come here?" I ask.

"I don't know, he wants you at his house, so we should go. See ya Gemma." Half-Sack says a little to excited to be rid of one of us as he pulls me out of the house.

"By mom." I say while being encouraged out the door.

"Stay safe." She yells but Half-Sack already closes the door in the midst of her words.

"She get to you today?" I ask at his annoyed demeanor.

"Yeah, a little." He says slightly shameful for being honest.

"Don't worry we all get sick of her every once in a while. Actually pretty often, shes a bit of a handful if you haven't noticed." I say sarcastically getting into the passenger seat of the Teller-Morrow tow truck.

"Oh no I've noticed." He says and we both chuckle making our way to Jax's house.

Jax POV:

I was slightly nervous and waiting with anticipation for Savvy to arrive. I know it was stupid because I only had good news, but I was also planning on asking her to move in with me and I was worried she would say no. I know she loves me but I have this idea that she will think it will turn out how it did with Mike if she agrees. I know she knows I would never hurt her like he did but I think she might be hesitant and scared to take such a big step in our relationship. My worries are cut short when the door knob turns and she walks in. She waves to Half-Sack still on the driveway before she shuts the door.

"Hey." She says making her way over to the couch where I am sitting.

I shut off the T.V as she sits down directly beside me.

"Hi." I say smiling at her as I give her a peck on the lips.

"I missed you today." She says as we pull apart.

"Cheesy are we?" I say and she fake gasps pretending she's hurt by my comment.

"I'm kidding" I reassure her chuckling and pulling her on to my lap.

"Yeah yeah, what ever. So... How did it go?" She asks not trying to be subtle in the least.

"Well, Mike is dead and so is Henry as of today. None of us can be held liable for his death since all of us where at T.M all day and he was killed in Nevada, so I'd say the day went really well." I say and smirk at her slightly.

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