Chapter 6

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Jax POV:

After Savannah left I could get this stupid smile off my face, she just made me so happy. This morning I was unsure if I should push to be with her because I didn't think I was good enough. That was one of the reasons I fucked that slut Emily. I didn't lie to Savannah, Emily really did say the only way she would fuck Skeeter is if I fucked her I just left out the part about my self doubt. But after I kissed Emily I knew it would never compare to the feeling I got when I kissed Savannah. After the first time we had sex before she left for college I realised I was in love with her. Then I was stronger, I let her leave without trying to stop her because I thought time away from me and Charming was good for her. Now, even though half of that is still true I am too selfish to let her go twice. I am in love with her and have kept my feelings deep in my subconscious until she came home a few nights ago. As I went to bed all I could in vision is that somewhere in the near future I would be coming home to her and walking up to her in this very bed. Hopefully. When I wake up I go about my day as usual and head outside and hop on my bike excited to arrive at the lot to see Savannah. O god I am already fucken whipped. I say to myself in my head, but I don't care. I arrive at the lot and see her car parked in its spot. I park my bike and head to the office hoping she's alone. I don't know if she or I are ready to break the news to her dad or brother or even to Gemma for that matter. I walk inside and see her sitting at the desk with her feet up in a white and pink floral dress and ankle brown cowboy boots. She is beautiful.

Savannah POV:

As I sit in the office with my feet on the desk as I am waiting in strong anticipation for Jax to arrive. I hear the familiar sound of a motorcycle pulling in and I am hoping it's him. Somehow I know it is as if I can sense his presence near me. I am already so in love with him, must be the countless years of supressed feelings for him. As the door opens it is him just as I thought and I smile uncontrollably. He must have that effect on me and I have just never noticed.

"Morning." He says as he walks over to me. I place my feet on the ground and stand on my tippy toes to reach his eyelevel.

"Hi." I say as I smile and place my lips to his, lightly brushing his mouth. He answers me by pulling me into his embrace and kissing me deeper. We pull apart and I just get lost in his gaze as he speaks to me.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you after you left." He tells me holding my waist.

"Really?" I say sarcastically raising my eyebrow.

"Yup, looks like you've already got me right where you want me. Feel free to take advantage of me." He jokes seductively.

"Don't tempt me Teller." I say as I hit his arm playfully and sit on top of the surface of the desk.

"A guy could try. So...I think we should talk about your dad." He says getting serious.

"Yeah I think you're right. But- I don't know, don't think it's better to wait a bit. You know see how it goes."

"Honestly? If your dad finds out we have been keeping it from him he's going to be angrier when he finds out. I think he would take it better if we offer like a full disclosure kind of thing." He tells me

"Yeah I guess your right... I'm kind of scared of his reaction." I tell him honestly

"Uh yeah me to." He insures and chuckles.

"Well today everyone's taking the afternoon off to go to Fun Town, Gemma's idea. It will be like were one big family." I tell him imitating my mom's voice and putting air quotes on her exact words.

"Oh come on cut your mom some slack she's all about that shit and you know that." He tries to defend my mom.

"Yeah I know I'm just saying since we will all be there it might be better if we hold off a couple of days on telling them."

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