Chapter 9.

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Harry practically jumped off me and stood beside the bed as I sat up, panic rolling through my body.


"Maddie was right, Maddie was so right. You do like each other. This is so wrong." Kayla sputtered.

"Kayla, please don't tell on us. You don't understand. We just. . ." I trailed off.

"Kayla, please." Harry said, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and one hip popped out as she leaned against the door frame. I glanced at the digital clock on the night stand, realizing it was almost one in the morning. I was sure everyone else would be sleeping, but not for long if Kayla didn't quiet down.

"I was just going to ask Sami if she wanted to come downstairs for a midnight snack but I guess she was already had one." Kayla said with a glare towards Harry and then at me.

"Kayla. . ."

"Shut up, Harry. I'm not telling anyone, I'm just going back to my room." She shouted.

I winced at her loudness, wishing that she would quiet down before she woke everyone else. Harry turned towards me, his lips puffy and redder than normal, his hair extra messy, his eyes a deep green, and let out a sigh.

"I'm, ah, I'm going to head back to my room. I'm kind of tired." He said with a half smile that didn't reach his eyes. I watched as he exited my room, watched the way his long legs carried him across the floor fluidly, watched how his muscled arms swung slightly by his sides. I let out a sigh as I wondered about what would have happened if Kayla wouldn't have caught us. The thought gave me chills.

"What's going on with everyone?" Christy asked at breakfast, apparently picking up on the weird vibes.

"Nothing." I said at the same time as Kayla and Harry.

"Mm, okay." She said, obviously not believing any of us. She turned to Jon then, discussing something about a vacation.

The atmosphere in the room felt awkward with Kayla shooting glares at me, and Harry who wasn't even acknowledging me at all. Even Maddie wasn't talking, which was unusual for her. She was always chattering about something, weather it be her doll houses, her favorite games, or how excited she was to start kindergarten.

"I love you," Christy said later in the day as she was about to leave for work, "all of you."

Kayla and Maddie said it back and I sat in my chair awkwardly, not quite knowing how to respond. She couldn't have meant me, no one loved me. Christy smiled at me before exiting through the front door, giving me a little wave. I pursed my lips, lost in my own thoughts. I'd always wanted a mom who would tell me they loved me, but I couldn't get my mind set on thinking Christy could actually love me. I'd only been here about a month or so.

I'd spent the next couple of hours doing almost nothing, except vacuuming the upstairs hallway. Christy had asked me to do it and for some reason, I didn't mind. I'd gotten kind of used to doing these kind of chores, although I still refused to clean bathrooms.

"I'm taking Maddie to her first dance class and Kayla is coming with us." Jon announced.

I nodded in response from my seat on the couch and caught a glimpse of Harry in the kitchen from the corner of my eye. It looked like I would be stuck here with him and I couldn't decide if I was happy about it or not. He hadn't talked to me all day.

"Harry, are you going to be here for a bit?" Jon asked with the front door already open. "I don't want to leave her here all alone." He then looked at me. "It's not that I don't trust you, it would just be rude for everyone to leave you."

"I'll be here." Harry confirmed.

When I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink, Kayla was in there grabbing a granola bar. She turned towards me and Harry, who stood a few feet away.

"You better keep track of the time. You wouldn't want dad to catch you two making out." Kayla sneered.

"Shut up, Kayla. Damn. It won't happen again because I badly misjudged my choices. It was a mistake." Harry replied as Kayla walked away.

Harry's words hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking me down and laying heavy on my heart. I hadn't realized that I cared what he said about me but apparently I did. I turned to go back into the living room, and acted as if I hadn't even heard what he had said. I didn't know whether I was more hurt over him calling what we did a mistake or upset about it not happening again. Another thought lingered in my mind: what if Kayla decided to tell Jon about what she'd seen. That would probably get me kicked out and I wasn't ready to leave here yet.

Fifteen minutes had passed before Harry entered the living room and took a seat on the chair, the farthest possible seat from me. He wore a frown on his face and silently flipped through the tv channels. Without thinking it through first, I blurted out what was on my mind.

"Harry, you wanted to touch me as much as I wanted you to. Don't act like you didn't."

Harry scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. "I only done it to please you. Don't flatter yourself."

This seemed so uncharacteristic for Harry who was normally the nice guy, the guy who followed all the rules, the calm one. His remark sounded snobby and conceded, and it made me mad.

"You're the one who said you couldn't stay away from me." I fired back and Harry didn't respond. Clearly, he couldn't come up with anything else because it was true, that's what he had said upon entering my room.

"You could have stopped me." Harry said.

"Harry, we both wanted it, okay? Why is it so hard to admit that? Is it because I'm off limits because I live here? Is it because I'm the new foster kid and you're too good for me?"

I didn't know why I cared so much or why I was so worked up about all this. I'd done things like what I had done with Harry with other guys and never seen them again afterwords, never thought about it again.

"No!" Harry snapped.

"I know you were turned on just as much as me. I felt your hard on against my hip."

"Whatever." Harry said and stormed off towards the stairs.

((So this is t getting very many reads/votes so apparently people aren't liking it but I'm going to continue writing and posting it anyways. I' write for myself and hope other will like it too. Anyways, if you do read this, and liked it, please vote/comment/share.))

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