Chapter 17.

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It had been a three days since Harry had came to visit me me, three days since he said he loved me. It was so surreal to know that he felt that way about me, that his feelings matched mine.

A slight knock and the door and then it pushing open, startled me from my ever constant thoughts of Harry. It was a guard, the same one from a few days ago who had taken me out to the visiting room to see Harry. Had he came to see me again? I practically jumped up off the metal ledge and sprinted the couple of feet to the door.

The guard led me out of the room and towards the front of the building, not the visiting room. I didn't understand what was going on, not until I seen Christy and Jon waiting for me. Embarrassment and shame flooded through me at the sight of them. Why were they even here?

A woman behind a desk handed me a bag that contained the clothes I'd worn in here. I'd been wearing the ugly, plain white and khaki clothes that the facility provided for the last three weeks. I hurried into the bathroom and changed into my clothes before approaching Christy and Jon. I didn't say a word as I got close to where they stood. Bright smiles covered both of their faces.

"Sami, we're so happy to see you. We've missed you so much." Christy said as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

Jon and I signed all the paperwork and then we were on our way. The car ride back to the Holbrooks' home was silent and to me it felt like a thousand pounds of pressure sat on my chest. Once inside the house, I was more confused than ever.

"Why do you even want me anymore after how stupid I was?" I asked Christy as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"Honey, just because someone makes a mistake, it doesn't mean they aren't a part of the family anymore. It doesn't mean we don't want you anymore." Christy explained. "You've come so far since you first arrived here. We just hit a little bump in the road that's all."

"Okay, yeah." I said, trying to understand. It was a very foreign concept to me that any foster family would still want me after I got locked up. I was used to being abandoned by them.

I idly wondered if Harry told her or any of the other family members about me confessing my love for him as I got pushed into the back of the cop car. I seriously hoped not.

Later that day when Maddie and Kayla arrived back from school, Maddie came bustling towards me and hugged me around my waist, twisting back and forth.

"You're back! I missed you so much, Sami! I'm so excited you're back." Maddie said as she continued to hug me.

"I missed you, too." I said back to her.

Kayla stood with one hand on her hip for a minute or two and then rolled her eyes before stomping away up the stairs.

A few hours later when everyone was sat at the kitchen table for dinner, I noticed Harry's absence and then remembered him packing his stuff. I'd totally forgotten about him moving away, or back with his parents. I actually wasn't sure where he went but I missed him at dinner with his cheesy jokes and contagious laugh.

"How is Harry doing?" I asked as I scooped a serving of mashed potatoes into my plate, followed by the beef and noodles.

"He's apparently doing great. He got his own apartment, like he's been wanting for a while. I'm proud of him." Jon answered.

"Can I have his number so I can call him?" I asked and then sort of regretted it because everyone was giving me weird looks. "He asked me to call him so I can tell him how I'm doing." I add and thankfully everyone goes back to eating instead of staring at me.

"I'll write it down for you after were all done with dinner." Christy said and I gave her a smile.

It was around nine-thirty when I was in my bedroom and decided to call Harry. It felt so nice to be back here in this room and to use the lovely shower. The showers at juvie were less than ideal.

The phone rang twice before he answered, but it wasn't him who answered. It was a girl. After a few seconds I heard Harry's voice come through the receiver.

"Sami?" Harry asked in a hushed tone.

"Who was that girl that answered your phone?"

"She's just a friend." Harry said in the same hushed tone and I knew he was lying.

"I thought you loved me? I thought. . . What was that all about when you came to visit me? I thought you hated one night stands, thought you hated random hookups!?" I half shouted. I knew I didn't really have any right to be going off on him this way but I thought things were different. He said he loved me and I believed him.

"Sami, I thought. . ." He trailed off.

"You thought I would be in lock up for a long, long time and that I would never be coming back. You thought I was a screw-up and maybe I am. Good bye Harry."

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