Chapter 18.

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The past two weeks had gone by slow and I had found myself not being able to stop thinking about Harry. I've been trying to put all my attention into finishing up the last few credits for school online, but somehow it hasn't been enough of a distraction.

My mind kept wondering what Harry was doing and who he was with. Did that girl make him happy? Was he actually dating her or was she just a hook up? I wondered if Harry was telling me the truth when he said he loved me or if it was all just an act. Would he say something like that just to make me feel better about myself in juvie?

A knock at the front door broke me out of my never ending thoughts.

"I'll get it!" I yelled, even though it was only Maddie and I in the house and she was sleeping. The rest of my family travelled to the next city over to watch a Major League Baseball game. I was never much into sports and Maddie wasn't feeling good so I volunteered to stay here and watch her.

Without looking through the window first to see who was there, I pulled the door open and was face to face with Harry, well face to chest since he was much taller than me. My mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything to say to him, not one word.

"Sami, can I come in?" He asked. His voice was filled with an unreadable emotion. I moved out of the way to let him inside and closed the door behind him. He walked to the couch and sat down, lacing his fingers together in the space between his parted legs. I stood across the room and stared at him for a moment but didn't make any moves to sit down.

"I came here to apologize about the last time we spoke." Harry started.

Did he mean the last time we spoke in person or a few weeks ago on the phone? Was he apologizing for saying he loved him? My heart clenched at the thoughts. My thoughts must have been clear on my face because of what he said when he continued.

"I meant when we spoke on the phone." Harry explained. "I don't know what the hell I was thinking. Maybe that's it, I wasn't thinking at all. You were right about Gia, she wasn't just a friend at the time. I fucked her right before you called."

I bit down on my lip and took a few steps back before talking. "W-why did you come all the way here to rub it in my face that you slept with another girl? This doesn't sound like an apology at all." His words broke open the wound that I thought was starting to heal. I wanted to run away and hide in my bedroom but there really wasn't any point in that.

"That isn't the point here." Harry ran a hand through his messy hair. "What I'm trying to say is that it wasn't enough. I guess I was trying to get over you because I'm a dumbass and thought you'd be in lock up longer. I thought I would have time to get over you. I thought if I found another girl it would make the process faster. It wasn't the same. The sex was good but it wasn't like it was with you. I love you, not her."

I wanted to stay away from him and guard my heart with the walls that were already beginning to build up again. I wanted to get away from him and never lay eyes on his perfect body and perfect face ever again. Harry stood up from the couch and I ran to him, burying myself in his opened arms.

"You're the only one." Harry whispered to me as he hugged me tightly.

I pulled my face away from his chest to look up at him and he leaned down to press his lips to mine. It felt like years had passed since I'd kissed him or touched him at all. His soft, persistent lips moved on mine smoothly, eliciting a warmness to grow in my chest. He pulled me down with him onto the couch and I straddled his lap, never breaking our kiss. His hands had settled on my hips, and mine around his neck. The sounds of our lips moving against each other's and my heavy breathing were the only noises in the quiet house.

Harry guided us down on the couch so his body was over mine and I could barely catch my breath when he started kissing my neck. I felt his growing hardness against my thigh and a low moan fell from my mouth.

"Harry," I said between ragged breaths, "Christy and everyone could be back at anytime. Maddie is asleep in her room."

"I don't care, honestly. I've missed you too much."

"But do you really want to get caught by your family in this type or situation?" I asked, gesturing with my hands between the two of us.

Harry climbed off me then, but before I could speak, he had me lifted into his arms and was carrying me bride style up the stairs. When we reached my room, he pushed open the door and laid me on my back on my bed. He closed and locked the door behind him and pulled his shirt over his head on his walk back to the bed. My eyes took in his smooth skin that stretched over all the tight, defined muscles of his torso and arms.

Not wasting anytime, Harry climbed on top of me and I was reminded of the other time we'd had sex in the lake house. His mouth and hands moved against me roughly and it was only minutes before he had me in only my panties. He'd stripped down to his boxers and our bodies were rubbing against each other's in a way that made me insane.

We shared hot, messy kisses as Harry removed our remaining clothes. I'd missed him so much since the lake house and couldn't seem to keep my hands off of his hard body. His mouth moves smoothly over my neck and collarbones, but I needed it against my own. I pulled his face back to mine and parted my lips for him to push his tongue inside. I could feel him between my legs, hard and ready to ravage me.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard, Sami. I'm going to make you come and moan my name over and over again." Harry whispered in my ear.

I whimpered at his dirty words and pushed my hips up against his. Green eyes burned into mine almost too intensely as he rolled on a condom and pushed into me. I gasped and raised my upper body from the bed, wrapping my arms around him as tight as I could. He sucked and nipped at my neck as he began to move at a relentless rhythm.

"So good for me. Damn." Harry rasped.

I moaned in response, not able to form any real words or sentences. My hips moved up to meet each of his thrusts and my nails scratched down the smooth skin of his back. This was what ecstasy felt like, I was sure. We were both so wound up with each other that it didn't take long until I felt the pressure building in my stomach. With each movement of his powerful hip, I got a little closer to my release. Harry muttered a string of curse words as he kept up his intoxicating pace.

"Don't stop, please," I whined as Harry slowed down.

"Mmm, I'm not." He said through gritted teeth. "You feel so damn good." His breaths were labored and his chest was rising and falling quickly.

My mouth connected with his neck, sucking at the sensitive skin there. He thrusted a few more times before I exploded in his arms. My vision went blurry as wave after wave of pure pleasure coursed through me. I felt my insides squeeze and pulse around Harry's length. Harry's hand clamped down over my mouth to muffle my loud moans as he thrust a couple more times before hitting his climax.

Once we'd both calmed down slightly and Harry was laying next to me, I felt like I could breathe again, really breathe. The weeks without seeing him had really been effecting me, more than I would admit to myself before.

"So are we like together, now?" I asked.

((Sorry it took so long to update, I've been kind of busy. If you liked this chapter, please vote/comment/share.))
((Also, thanks for reading, as always))

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