Chapter 13.

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"You sure?" Harry asked.

I was more sure about wanting Harry than anything I'd ever been sure about before. I slid my hand between our bodies and palmed him through his jeans. It was evident that he wanted me just as much.

I nodded in response and Harry climbed off of me. I watched as he yanked his jeans down, tugging hard on them to pull them all the way off. A small laugh escaped me at his struggle. He grinned at me and then returned his attention elsewhere, easily removing his black boxer briefs. Running a hand through his hair, he kneeled down and pulled a foil packet from the back pocket of his jeans that were in a pile on the floor.

"Sami, once we do this we can't take it back." Harry said, his tone serious.

I laughed despite his seriousness because he was standing in front of me naked, lecturing me. "I know, I know."

"For real," he said, getting back into the bed and laying next to me.

"I knowww," I whined. "I won't want to take it back, trust me."

Harry laughed and tore the foil packet open, rolling on the condom as I watched. My heart felt like it might beat out of my chest. This was actually happening. Harry and I were going to have sex. This would be the first time that I would be with someone who actually thought more of me than a random hook up. I shivered as tingles ran down my spine.

Harry inched closer to me and ran his hand over my cheek, urging me to turn my face towards his. When I did, I was met with his green eyes that were wild and burning. He moved in slowly to connect our mouths and his lips felt like satin and silk against my own. I rolled over so that my upper body was draped over his. Despite wanting him so badly just minutes ago, I quickly became nervous and my lips stilled against his for a split second.

"Are you okay? You good?" Harry asked, pulling his mouth away from mine.

"Yes," I answered after a few seconds, taking in a deep breath. "Please keep going."

"Sami, if you don't want to do this anymore, just--"

I cut him off. "I want to, Harry."

Harry nodded then, and pulled me on top of him, pressing his mouth back to mine and picking up where he left off. I was losing my mind at the feeling of his arousal pressed against my stomach, all kinds of dirty thoughts flowing through me. My hips began to rock against his and he made a low growl against my lips. It was a delicious sound, one that I planned on remembering for a long, long time.

I tugged at Harry's hair when his hips rose up off the bed which pushed him between my legs. The only barrier between us were my thin underwear and his condom. His kisses were slow and sensual and absolutely driving me crazy. His hands matched his kisses in the way he caressed my skin, rubbing over my arms, chest, and back. He sucked and nipped at my neck and let his hands roam down by back, and even lower to squeeze my ass.

Everything felt so amazing and sweet, enough so to melt my insides but he also brought on building tension in my stomach. I could feel how wet and ready I was for him, but his slow actions were too delicious to rush.

"Harry," I breathed.

He looked at me and when our gazes connected, my insides clenched and he knew. Before I got the chance to say anything else, Harry had me flipped onto my back and was on top of me. His body weight crushed me in the best way and he reached between us to pull off my panties and line himself up. I took a few deep breaths, preparing myself for what was about to happen. I wondered if this was going to hurt, but I was positive if it did, the pleasure would make up for it.

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