Chapter 21.

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My birthday:

"I've got one more bag left upstairs. It's just clothes." I said.

Harry nodded and then raced up the stairs to grab it while I took a seat on the corner of the couch. Kayla and Maddie were at school and Christy and Jon were outside helping load up Harry's car. My heart beat hadn't slowed down to normal pace since I had woken up. It was my eighteenth birthday, but more importantly, the day that I get to move in with Harry.

Harry was everything to me, my best friend, my lover, and anything that I wanted him to be. He loved me more than I thought anyone ever could. We'd gone through so much together that we could now make I through anything that the world decide to throw at us.

Christy had understood when I had made the decision. I had cried and so did she. I had explained that this way I wouldn't lose them... I would still be a part of the family, but just in a different way. I would be Harry's girlfriend. I could still come visit anytime I wanted to and we could still do family things together.

Harry came down the stairs with my last bag and we walked hand in hand out to his car. He kept a straight face and didn't say much which made me think he was having second thoughts about me moving in with him. Christy's words from a few months ago replayed in my head: a relationship that may or may not last.

"You're sure about this Harry? You still want me to move in with you?" I asked.

"Of course I do, Sami. Don't be ridiculous." Harry answered with a laugh. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Don't start that with me, you know you'll lose." Harry said back. He tossed my bag to Jon who placed it in the trunk.

"You're all packed and ready to go." Christy said as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

I walked over to her and nestled myself in her open arms. "I'll be okay, and I can come visit every day if you want me to. I'll only be a few miles away."

"If you don't come visit everyday I'll have to come kidnap you." Christy laughed.

"I'll miss you too, kid." Jon said and I nodded at him, telling him I'll miss him too.

I untangled myself from Christy's embrace and headed to the car. "Can I drive this time, Harry?" He'd been teaching me to drive over the past month and I really loved his car.

"You promise not to wreck? My car is my baby."

"I think I might be jealous of how protective you are over your car." I joked.

"Fine, fine, you can drive. . . But only because I love you."

And just like that, I drove away with Harry and into my new life.

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Also, check out my other story "AMBIVALENT", that I update every day.

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