Chapter 12.

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"We're almost there! We're almost there!" Maddie squealed as a huge, clear blue lake came into view.

Kayla gave me a half smile, hinting that she might be getting over being mad at me for catching Harry and I making out. I gave her a half smile back, hoping that this awkward not liking each other phase would end soon.

"We've came here for a week or two every single summer. We always make sure to get here for one last dose of summer fun before Kayla and Maddie have to return to school." Christy explained to me. "Our lake house has been in the family for a long, long time. It used to belong to my parents, and my grandparents before that."

The S.U.V made a turn and started down a long, curvy driveway made of gravel. We parked in front of a two story house that resembled an immaculate log cabin. Maddie pulled off her seatbelt and jumped out the second the vehicle came to a complete stop, making a run towards the front door. Jon and Christy got out next and walked around the vehicle to open the back where all our suitcases and bags were.

Harry, who had been silent the entire hour or so long car ride, climbed out after Kayla did, leaving me to be the last one. I followed suit with everyone else, grabbing my bags that I'd packed and carrying them into the lake house. Inside, it was beautiful with the open floor plan, large windows and old world charm. Christy explained that her and Jon would share the master bedroom downstairs, Kayla and Maddie would share the smaller one down the hall from it, and that Harry and I would each have our own separate rooms upstairs. Kayla raised her eyebrows at me after that, obviously thinking of what Harry and I might do.

And maybe she was right. Maybe something would happen or maybe it wouldn't. It really wasn't any of her business. I just hoped that if Harry and I were making out upstairs, no one would catch us. I didn't need Kayla to start hating me again.

After everyone had their things in their rooms and were all settled in, Jon called us all out back behind the house. He was stood next to a fire ring that had large logs positioned around it in a make shift circle. I'd never been camping before or stayed at a lake house, only ever seeing things like this in movies. Christy and Jon set out everything we needed to cook hotdogs as Harry started up a fire with pieces of wood that already sat near the fire ring. In no time, we had all cooked our hotdogs and finished eating them. Everyone had laughed when I dropped my first two into the fire, but I finally got it cooked and into my bun on the third try.

The entire family, including Harry, spent the next half hour or so telling me about all the past times they had stayed here and how fun it had been. They were really making me feel like apart of the family, making a strange feeling settle in my heart. I hoped that I would get to stay with them for a very long time, as losing them would surely break my heart.

An hour or so later, Jon announced that they were going to go out on the boat and go fishing, asking if I would like to join them. I politely declined, letting them know that fishing wasn't really my thing. Since when had I became polite?

"You can stay here with Harry, then." Jon said." He isn't much of a fisher either and maybe he can show you some of the trails and fun places around here while we're out on the boat."

"Sure, yeah." Harry replied, sounding happy for the first time all day. He must really have a strong dislike for fishing, I thought.

Harry and I sat across from each other on the logs that surrounded the fire ring until everyone else was loaded onto the boat down by the lake front. I didn't know why he hadn't spoken barely two words to me all day when we'd been sneaking in kisses whenever possible for the last week. It didn't make sense.

"There's a pretty awesome trail through those woods back there." Harry said as he pointed to the left of the lake house. "Would you like to go through it?"

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