Part 3 Chapter 2

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Part 3

Chapter 2

‘I want to converse with my friends!’ I protested. ‘They need me.’

‘No,’ he stated.

‘No?’ I repeated. ‘You cannot say “no” to me!’

He held my arm tighter and got a dangerous look in his eye.

‘Let my arm go!’ I repeated louder.

My escort turned around and asked, ‘Is this man troubling you, Christian Lady?’

The situation was becoming ridiculous. ‘No. He’s just being like a bossy older brother. I’ve handled him before.’

My young man stepped back, but did not leave.

Aaron said, ‘I’ve sent Corianton, Alma’s son, to fetch your possessions. He will hire porters and you can travel with Alma and Corianton to Jershon.’

I bridled. ‘What did you say? Can I possibly have heard you correctly?’

He nodded.

‘What on this earth gives you the right to tell me where to go and what to do – and to appropriate my possessions?’ I shouted. I was fighting with Aaron, and all I really wanted to do was to hug him.

He lifted his eyebrow.

‘May I remind you that I am a fully grown woman who has taken care of herself for nearly twenty years? And you have your own wife to boss around!’

‘How did you know that I married?’

‘Andrew travelled to Jershon to seek you out as soon as he learned that the People of Ammon had settled in Jershon.’

‘Andrew!’ he almost spat out.

‘What about my brother?’ I asked. Had Andrew been mistaken? My heart skipped a beat.

Aaron continued, ‘Andrew stood by while they stoned Alma’s son, Shiblon, for preaching of Christ. That’s why you must leave. It’s not safe here.’

‘I walk throughout the valley freely. I have for nearly twenty years and never once have I been accosted! Everyone knows me.’

‘A person called “Christian Lady,” will not be safe here for long. Abigail, please leave here with Alma, so I can concentrate on my labors instead of your safety,’ he pleaded.

That was more reasonable a demand. Yet…,  ‘But what of my labors? What of all these people who finally want to hear the word of God?’ I protested.

‘Alma will have a new assignment for you.’

I tried to swallow the concept of accepting orders from Alma the Younger.

I had such a short time to talk to Aaron before I never saw him again. I had to ask the questions I wanted to ask and say the things I would regret not saying. ‘How did you know it was Andrew that stood by?’ I asked.

‘Omner recognized him.’

‘Did that lead you to guess that I was here?’


‘Andrew, and Daniel, both said that you tried to find me after I left. I’m sorry for that.’ I looked contritely at my feet. ‘Did Muloki give you my note?’

‘Yes. You almost drove Muloki distracted after he lost you.’

‘I’m sorry.  I thought Muloki might be following me. He is so loyal to you. I was simply obeying the angel who sent me here. Could I do less than that? And Aaron, today I finally understand why he sent me here ahead of you.’

He swallowed hard and blinked his eyes, then said, obviously suppressing strong feelings, ‘Abigail, will you give me your word of honor that you will obey the voice of God through his ordained High Priest and Prophet?’

I glanced over at my student still standing there listening to us. He looked concerned. I would have to agree.

I closed my eyes and vowed. ‘I give my word to you,’ I said to Aaron. It was my testimony. I looked over into the eyes of my student. ‘I accept Alma’s word as the voice of God to me, and I will obey.’

Aaron released his hold on my arm.

I rubbed it back and forth and wished he were still holding it.

‘Andrew said that you married a Lamanite princess. Have you children?’

He crossed his arms. ‘Likely you will have the opportunity to meet them in Jershon. They are staying there while I serve here in Antionum. I think you will like my wife very much.’

How would that be possible? But I nodded. Why was he not asking me those million questions I saw in his eyes? Was I scaring him?

Really, my life was not that interesting. I’d done the exact same thing in the exact same place for nearly twenty years. The only different day was today, and the time I spent with Daniel.

‘I almost got married once,’ I began. What a stupid thing to say! He would think I meant him. And why would he care about Daniel anyway? ‘I mean, not to you. But I didn’t. Other than that, my life has been pretty ordinary.’

‘I expect that your life has been anything but ordinary, Abigail.’

‘Thank you,’ I whispered.

We watched my small trunk arrive, followed by two porters with empty hands. ‘I expect that you have not kept much back for yourself.’

I shook my head no, and felt tears stinging my throat. ‘God provides,’ I whispered.

He seemed to know everything about me without asking his questions. Perhaps the answers showed in my face, or my dirty clothing, or my multitude of friends, or the kind and respectful way my former student stood behind me, or by the quantity of my possessions.

I turned to my escort and bade him, ‘Please tell my loved ones farewell. I pray we will meet again soon. Tell them all – tell them all to please listen to my friends.’

Then I turned to say goodbye to Aaron. ‘It is good to see that you are well, and that your life has been fruitful. I hope to become acquainted with your family, but this may be - goodbye, Aaron.’ I blinked many times fighting for control. ‘May you have great success here. God be with you… ’

‘We will leave that in his hands,’ Aaron replied tersely.

I turned to Corianton and he took my arm and walked me down the Hill Onidah to a new chapter in my life.

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