Part 3 Chapter 3

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Part 3

Chapter 3

‘You look just like your father did the last time I saw him,’ I told Alma’s son Corianton, and gave a huff, for I had not liked his father at all.

‘I’ve heard that before,’ Corianton replied.

‘So, why are they sending you off the mission too?’ We were both leaving. I assumed he was leaving to accompany his father. ‘Is it your brother that was stoned? He looks a bit worse for the wear. Why aren’t they sending him away instead?’

Corianton gave a grunt. ‘I’m in trouble.’

‘Oh?’ I asked.

‘Got too curious about Isabel,’ he said with his shoulders hunched.

I stopped walking. ‘You actually went to see the harlot?’ Isabel was a very popular attraction for the men of the Zoramites. She lived over the hills in the Lamanite territory and there was a well-worn path to her establishment. ‘Do the Zoramites know this?’


I lost my temper. ‘You are your father all over again, Corianton! Not only do you look like him, but you are a chip off the old block!’ Suddenly, the anger left inside me at Alma the Younger was directed at his son. ‘Your father was such an idiot! And you are just like him! Why in the world did you come here as a missionary if you weren’t ready to act like one? Do you realize that I have spent twenty years of my life here setting an example of what a Christian should behave like? You probably undid all my efforts, all by your foolish little self!!!!’ I was ready to hit him.

Corianton cowered before my wrath.

I continued my rant. ‘And your father! He began the ruin of my life. His rebellion caused those ridiculous sons of Mosiah to rebel. Then they caused my brother, Andrew, to rebel. He spent all our fortune on wine and women and who knows what else! I used to be rich, you know. Look at me now!’

Corianton narrowed his eyes. ‘Isn’t that your brother who is the rich Zoramite?’

‘Well, yes. I could still be rich if I chose to be,’ I admitted. This kid was smart.

I began to be more reasonable. ‘The point is, I cannot believe that I promised to follow your father away from my home and my work and my people. That dratted Aaron can talk me into anything!’

I was venting on this boy.

‘What if your father is still an idiot like you?’ I said as I glared at him.

Corianton started to laugh.

‘What is so funny?’ I asked. We started walking again.

‘The way you see my father. He’s the High Priest and was the Chief Judge. Everyone venerates him and does what he says and holds him in high esteem. You have no idea what it is to live in his shadow.’ He shook his head. ‘To hear you talk of him as if he is a rebellious teenager like me, well, it’s really funny.’

‘I haven’t seen your father since he was a rebellious teenager like you. Talking to you feels just like talking to him. And, believe me, I’ve had a lot to say to that boy for a lot of years! I can’t believe they made him the High Priest of the Church. It is such a trial to my testimony!’

Corianton laughed some more. ‘So there is hope for someone like me?’

Now I started to laugh – at myself. ‘I’m supposed to believe in repentance, but with your father, it sure is hard. I suppose he is a living witness of the principle.’

‘He says he saw an angel, you know. I suppose something like that could get your attention, if it is real, you know, and make you change.’

‘Corianton, I’m going to share something with you that I rarely tell people.’

He nodded for me to continue.

‘I’ve seen the same angel. He appeared to me the night before I ran away from Zarahemla. The angel told me that he was the same angel that appeared to your father and the sons of Mosiah. Actually, I was about to become betrothed to Aaron and I was told to leave instead. I changed the whole course of my life because of that angel’s message. Just think, if I had not seen an angel, I could have been the Queen, and your father would never have been made Chief Judge!’ I looked at my dusty old clothing, and said, ‘Look at me now.’

‘I suppose you don’t dress the part. But you do have a queenly bearing.’

I took his arm in a friendly way. ‘There is hope for you, Corianton. You are a very charming and intelligent young man.’

He lapped up my compliment.

I began to reason aloud to this young man. ‘Seriously, I suppose if I could be changed that much by the visit of an angel, your father could too. That was what Aaron said to me all those years ago. I didn’t trust his repentance, you know. But it was real, wasn’t it? His life has proven it. I suppose that it was I that was the fool.’

And now I was walking away from him for a second time.

I continued with a sigh, ‘I suppose that I must repent and be wise now. I must accept that your father does speak for God and do whatever work he assigns me to. Do you believe your father speaks for the Lord, just as the angel did, Corianton?

‘I, I never really thought about it. He’s always been the High Priest.’

‘Has he seen the angel again?’ I asked him.

‘A couple of years back he went to a place called Ammonihah to visit and the angel came and told him to go return again to preach. He taught them that their city would be destroyed if they didn’t repent and right after that the Lamanites came and wiped the city out.’

‘That’s a rather dramatic story!’

‘Lots of stuff like that happens to my dad. I’m just used to it.’

‘I suppose then that he really is the High Priest.’ As I spoke this, I felt the spirit testify that it was true. ‘Corianton, you have been a good missionary to me today and converted me to believing in your father. I hope that you will return to your work and teach others the things that you know. Perhaps someday you will be even greater than he.’

When he looked at me in disbelief, I said, ‘Truly.’

Alma joined us later and I asked him what my new assignment would be.

‘I have two assignments for you. You are to prepare a refuge for the converted Zoramites who will be cast out of this land. They must receive inheritances in the Land of Jershon.’

So, I was still working for my loved ones! I could do that. Yes, Alma was inspired!

‘In the meantime,’ he continued. ‘I would like you to live with Aaron’s family and care for them.’

I sucked in my breath. What was he asking of me?

‘Aaron has great concern for the health of his wife and brought her to be nearby in Jershon while he is serving in Antionum. It would give him much peace of mind if he knows that you are there caring for her.’

I blinked back tears. Did Alma have any idea how hard it would be for me to do as he asked? Serve Aaron’s wife? I could have been his wife.

‘Abigail,’ he continued in a softer tone. ‘Please do as I ask. This is for a wise purpose in the Lord. You will soon see.’

Corianton watched me closely as I struggled.

How could I do this thing? How could the Lord ask it of me? Was I Abraham, to have to give up all that I held dear? Was I to drink the last dregs of the bitter cup? Could I?

‘It is not I, Alma, that asks, but the Lord.’

I nodded. ‘I will go and do as you ask,’ I finally said.

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