How You Met (Crowley, Lucifer, Balthazar, Kevin.)

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Crowley: I needed to help her. I had to. She was my sister, and there was no way I was going to let her go. I was a hunter in training, and I just took my sister to hunt a few vampires down and cut off their heads. Simple, right? That's what I thought until another vampire had showed up out of nowhere and took a big chomp out of my sisters arm. She was badly injured and I killed the beast before it could hurt her any worse. I managed to get her to the hospital, but the doctors weren't sure if she would make it longer than a few days. So what did I do? I decided to make a cross roads deal. I know. How stupid am I? I put everything together and buried the box. A few minutes later, I heard a voice call out to me.
   "Aren't you a nice sight?" I turned around to see a tall figure with medium blonde hair and green eyes.
   "Can we skip the sweet talk and make the deal please?" I was on the verge of tears for the tenth time in two days, but I didn't want to seem too weak in front of a demon.
   "I don't know... I think I might just take you with me instead. Does that sound nice to you, baby?" He started to walk towards me with a sinister grin displayed across his face.
   "No...please. No! I just wanted to make a deal!"  He reached me and took a strong grip on my wrist before pulling me towards him. He suddenly smashed his warm but revolting and unwanted lips onto mine. I tried pushing away, but he wouldn't budge. A man clearing his throat from behind us made him stop and look up with a sneer on his face. I looked up too, and I noticed that the demons sneer had changed to a more terrified and nervous look.
  "B-boss? I...w-what are you doing here?"
  The other man, the demons boss looked up at the demon with a smirk on his face, seemingly pleased that the demon was scared of him.
   "Let the young person go, Jake. They just wanted to make a deal. I'm sure they don't want your tongue shoved down their throat. many times do I have to tell you that you're not allowed to take advantage of our clients?"
   "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."
   "Damn right it won't." The other man snapped his fingers and the demon suddenly exploded all over me. He looked me over before snapping again and I was clean and in a beautiful bedroom. "Now love, what was the deal you were wanting to make?"
   "My sister's dying....I wanted to save her. What's your name? Who are you?"
   "Darling, you're talking to the King of Hell. The name's Crowley. You must be (Y/n). I'll make the deal with you, but for a price. You must be my queen."
   I considered it for a few seconds before I nodded and walked over to him, but I was nervous. I knew the deal had to be sealed with a kiss, but I wasn't sure how to react. He walked over to me slowly, meeting me halfway, but it was obvious he was a lot more confident than me. He slowly placed one hand behind my neck, and one on my waist before pulling me in for a sweet, short kiss. I pulled back after a few seconds and he smirked at me.
   "The deal has been sealed."

Lucifer: I was sitting in a local bar with a glass of Jack and Coke sitting in front of me. I was staring at it and kept swirling it around. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend for a date around three hours ago, but he didn't show up. At the time I thought he was just late from work, but when I went home to see if he was there, he was in our bedroom. With a woman. Naked. On MY bed. I screamed at him, grabbed my jacket, and drove to a bar about a half hour away. I ordered a drink, and here I am. Still sitting here, with my third drink in hand. I wasn't drunk, but I was going to be there if I had another glass or two. I know it's not a good think to drink your sorrows away, but I figured I might as well. I'll go stay at a hotel or something later tonight, but for now this bar stool was my comfort place. A few men have hit on me since I got here, but I denied all of them. I was starting to get fed up with all of my issues and all of the dirty, probably married men, trying to hit on me when I felt a firm but soft hand grab my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and didn't turn around.
   "Look. I'm not in the mood. Okay? I'm not looking for a relationship, a one night stand, or whatever the hell you want from me. Alright?" I said in an exhausted voice. I heard the guy sit down next to me and I took a quick glance over at him while taking a sip of my drink. I wouldn't be lying if I said he was attractive.
   "I saw you over here and I could tell something was bothering you. I decided to be a gentleman and check on you. I'm sorry if I bothered you. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but I would also be willing to talk to you if you need somebody to vent to. We could all use someone to talk to about our issues."
   "Thanks, but I wouldn't want to bother you. It's nice that you decided to check up on me, but it's a little too soon to talk about what happened. I wouldn't want to end up crying to some perfect stranger that I met in a local bar."
   "You wouldn't be bothering me at all. And plus, maybe that's exactly what you need. If you don't let those emotions out eventually, they will just tear you up from inside until you just explode. Trust me, I know a thing or two in that area. And hey...I have ice cream and Netflix...I know that always cheers me up when I'm down."
   I smiled down at my drink before turning to the man and studying his features. He had sandy blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and a kind smile. "You know what? Why not. I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you."
   "I'm Lucifer. My pleasure. Now why don't we get out of here and you can cry and complain to me about what happened while eating (Y/f/icf) (your favorite ice cream flavor) and watching (y/f/s) (your favorite show)?" I smiled at him and stood up.
   "I would like that. Thank you."

Balthazar: "Seriously Dean? Another angel? Man you guys have really started to go out of hand with this whole 'We need an angel to help us because we can't do anything on our own' crap." I yelled at my old friend Dean Winchester.
   "Yeah, well, we don't really have another choice here. Our typical go-to Angel is out of business temporarily, so if you have another idea, I'd be happy to hear it." He growled back to me in the middle of the bunker library. I rolled my eyes but eventually nodded, knowing he was right.
   "What's the flying monkeys name?" I asked as he prayed silently to the Angel.
   "The names Balthazar, and I prefer the term 'Sexy and mature Angel of the Lord."
   I turned to see a very attractive man standing behind me with a glass of wine in my hand. I crossed my arms and studied 'Balthazar'. He had dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slight accent. He was wearing a charcoal blazer with a baby blue v-neck t-shirt underneath with charcoal skinny jeans. The v-neck matched his eyes and I couldn't deny that he was pretty hot.
   He smirked at me and swirled his glass around a little bit. "So you agree with me on my looks? That's wonderful news. Especially since you are very ravishing yourself, darling."
   I blushed and smirked him. "Did you just read my thoughts?"
   He smirked and winked before turning to Dean. His expression changed from flirty to slightly annoyed. "I thought I told you boys to leave me alone. You're lucky you have this beautiful masterpiece with you. Other wise I would kick your ass."
   Dean rolled his eyes. "I know, Balth. We need help. Please."
   "Fine. On one condition."
   "Okay...what?" Dean asked and I raised my eyebrow at him. Balth turned to me and smiled widely, the flirtatious look returning.
   "(Y/n) here has to go out with me."

Kevin: "So this kid can read the chicken scratch on the god rock?" I asked Sam and Dean from the back of the impala. I just met them, but they were taking me in as a favor to my brother, Garth, who wasn't able to take care of me anymore. He told me about this kid a few times, including the fact that he's basically family to him. He also thinks we would make a great couple, but I don't even know the kid!
   Dean laughed and smirked at Sam like he knew something. He nudged his brother and glanced back at me.
   "What's so funny, Losechester?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.
   "First, stop calling me that!" Dean whined. "And second, that's what I asked Kev, and he didn't understand a word I said. You two are going to get along jusssttt great." He laughed.
   "Hm. Interesting." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I looked out my window to see the Impala pulling up to a secretive looking building. "Is this it? The Squirrel and Moose cave?"
   Dean laughed and glanced back at me. "That it is. I prefer Bat Cave but it's good enough." He parked the car and I walked to the trunk. I grabbed my backpack and two duffel bags before walking into the garage door and into a wide living space. I looked around in amazement as Dean and Sam walked in behind me with smirks on their faces.
   "You like it kiddo?" Sam asked while staring at my amazed expression with amusement written across their faces.
   "Holy SHIZNIT!" I whisper yelled. I heard Dean chuckle.
   "She's definitely Garths sister."
   I walked down the stairs and ran down the hall in excitement. I ran past a guy and accidentally ran into his shoulder, but I was going to fast to stop or to see his face before I ran to the very end of the hall and stopped in front of the door. I checked to see if it was empty, and when it was, I threw my bags down on the bed and plopped down on the bed right next to them. I closed my eyes and just as I was beginning to relax, I heard a knock on my door frame.
   "Is it Moose or Squirrel?" I asked, keeping my eyes closed.
   "Neither." I heard a voice I didn't recognize say.
   I sat up and opened my eyes to see an Attractive oriental (I'm guessing Asian) boy walking towards me with a small awkward smile on his face. "I'm guessing you're Garths sister, huh? The one he always went on and on about?"
   "Oh god. What did he tell you about me?"
   "Just a few stories...nothing serious." I groaned and fell back into the bed.
   "Well. You know my name, what's yours?" I asked looking up at him from the bed.
   "Kevin. Kevin Tran. Welcome to the bunker." I smiled up at him.
   "Thanks. Im sure I'll enjoy it."

   I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm going to post an imagine next, so if you want to request something, go ahead! You can give me any of the details you want, and if I need anything else, I'll let you know. You can message me, or comment below! So far the characters I'm doing are:
~Mark Sheppard
~Richard Speight Jr.
~Rob Benedict
And more! If you have anyone else, let me know! I know there are other characters and cast members, but I can't really think of any right now. 😁😁

Until next chapter,
                      Kyleigh Roché 💕

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