Pets (Preference)

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Dean: He wanted something easy to take care of but also easy to take along on hunts, so he got you a lazy, full grown, golden retriever. It's a girl and her name is Samantha. I mean, the hair is almost uncanny. The only difference is that Sam's hair is brown instead of golden. Sam doesn't like the name choice, but he got used to it after a few months.

Sam:  He got you a Great Dane. It's a male and his name is Rocky Road, aka Rocky. You named him after your favorite ice cream flavor because he was medium brown with dark spots and lines all over his short fur. Whenever you're bored, you occasionally have Rocky movie marathons and eat Rocky Road ice cream and spend an entire day dedicated to him.

Castiel: One day you surprised him with a small Orange Tabby kitten named Bumblebee. Why not? It's two of Cas' favorite animals combined. When she met Cas, she immediately took a liking to him and vice versa. Now, sometimes you'll wake up to see your boyfriend sitting next to you on the bed, snuggling with the cat.

Gabriel: You were sitting at home, enjoying your favorite movie, when the door opened to reveal Gabe and a colorful Cockatiel. Guess what he named her? Yep. Candy. She loved to copy some random pieces of conversations she has heard from around the bunker. Of course, there had been a few moments where the sentences she picked up on weren't very clean, but you know what? You couldn't be more proud.

Crowley: Since you had recently decided to move in with Crowley, you were considered the Queen of Hell. What's the Queen of Hell without a hellhound? He was a pup when the King had given him to you, but after a few months, he was already up to your hips. You named him Boomer because everyone he barked, the entire room shook. Even if he hated everyone else, he would always be willing to curl up at the end of Crowley and yours bed at the end of the night.

Lucifer: He wasn't fond of the idea of a pet. "Too much work, not enough time." He would complain. Eventually, you ended up convincing him to buy a snake. It was black with bright yellow eyes, and very intimidating. You loved her though, and she loved you. You called her Teddy, because sometimes if nobody was around, she would curl up around you and would comfort you like a teddy bear.

Balthazar: You bought him a poodle. Just because he's French. He was amused when he came home and was attacked my a somewhat large dog and smothered in licks. You named her Curly Fry, even though it was a lame name. (OML I CAN RHYME! XD~ overly excited author) Balthazar loved it and loved to cuddle with her after a long day of hiding from his siblings.

Kevin: He got you a husky. It. Was. ADORABLE! You kissed him and thanked him so much that he was as red as a tomato and as happy as could be. He loved seeing you like this. You named her Blue, because of the bright blue colored eyes that always were filled with love every time she looked at you or Kevin. Her eyes were so blue, that they were almost the same color of Cas' eyes. It's a miracle! The night you got her, you cuddled with Kevin and the dog slept right at the end of the bed.

Authors note:
   Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any requests, let me know! I don't want to end up stopping for a while because I ran out of ideas! And who would want that? (Ava I swear to Chuck this was a rhetorical question. YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO ANSWER 😂😂😂) Anyhow, I'm not sure who I should do next, but it's most likely going to be a character unless I get a request for a cast member instead. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter!
             With Supernatural love,
                                    Kyleigh Tran 💕

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