Hammer of the Gods (Gabriel x Reader) (Part One)

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   Oh and by the way,
Words including A/n's: 5770
(Y/n)'s POV~
   I grabbed my duffel bag from the trunk of the Impala and walked into the Elysian Fields Hotel with two of my best friends, Sam and Dean Winchester. I shuffled my hair as I walked in, and dropped my hand when I looked up. What's a five star motel doing in the middle of literally Nowhere, USA? I shut my mouth once I realized that it was hanging wide open. I followed the brothers as they walked up to the desk with a smiling desk clerk.
   "Whew. Nice digs, for once. Busy night."
   "Any port in the storm I guess," the desk clerk chuckles annoyingly. "If you could just fill this out please."
   "Yeah." Dean answers and starts to fill out the paper. I look down at the clerks name tag. 'Chad' it read. Who the hell names their kid Chad anymore?
   "Sir, I think... Shaving nick there." He hands Dean a tissue for the new and completely random cut on his stronger-than-my-wifi-connection jaw line. He hands Dean the key too. "Your key."
   "Oh. Thanks."
   "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop would you?" I ask.
   "Buffett. All you can eat. Best pie in the tri-state area." Chad answers me with a polite but nerve wracking smile.
   I could see Dean smirk from beside me. "You don't say?"
   Later that night Sam and I sat down at a table in the Buffett and Dean goes immediately to the dessert table. How'd I know?
~~~~~~~~~~~<Deans POV>~~~~~~~~~~~
   I took a bite out of a slice of pie and moaned in satisfaction.
   "Heaven right?" I heard a man ask from beside me. I looked down at him and scoffed.
   "Trust me, pal...better." I took my plate and headed towards the table that I saw (Y/n) and Sam sitting at. On my way over I noticed a pretty lady sitting by herself. I, being me, walked up to her.
   "How you doing?" (INSERT JOEY TRIBIANI GIF HERE BECAUSE THE DEAN WINCHESTER OF THE '90s) I asked. She barely glanced up at me and responded immediately.
   My smile faltered for a second before it went back to normal. "But I-"
   "Oh, lady, I'm just, you know-"
   "I understand. And no." She looked up at me for a few seconds before her eyes looked back down at the table.
   "Ten-four. Yeah." I started to walk away and I heard my phone make a noise. I grunt and look up at my brother and one of my best friends sitting at the table. "Guys, I pucker man. Eat something."
~~~~~~~~~~<Your POV>~~~~~~~~~~~
   "We should hit the road Dean." I said and looked up at him.
   "In this storm? I-its-"
   "Biblical? Exactly. I-it's friggin' Noah's Ark out there and we're eating pie." Sam finishes for him. I nod in agreement. Dean looked at both of us like we were crazy. He turned to Sam.
   "How many hours of sleep did you get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in twelve states."
   Dean glanced at me slightly when he mentioned Bobby, my father. This time I spoke. "Yeah, well, Sam and I aren't giving up."
   "Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're going to find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we will find Cas, and we'll find Adam. (*insert American Horror Story gif of Kathy Bates knitting in a rocking chair* LIEEEEEEESSSS) But you're no good to us burnt up." He aimed the last sentence to Sam, once again mentioning his sleeping issues.
   "Yeah, yeah. Okay."
   "Come on, guys. We've actually got the night off for once. Let's try to enjoy it.
   Dean and I walk down the hallway to our room with Sam following behind us. I roll my eyes as Dean grins widely at the couple making out outside of the room next to ours. He points at them with a big smile on his face.
   "What, are you? Twelve." I scoff at Dean. He scoffs back at me.
   "I'm young at heart." I open the door and he whistles from beside me.
   "Wow. Look at this. We're like Rockefellers," he smiles and walks to the bed and picks something off of the pillow. He turns to Sam. "Chocolates! You want yours?"
   Sam rolls his eyes and throws his bag down on the floor, me doing the same. "Knock yourself out."
   Dean smiles, once again acting like a child. He walks over to the coffee table sitting in the room. He picks up a plastic ad holder, and smiles. "Woah. 'Casa Erotica 13' on demand." I hear Sam scoff and I join him. "What?"
   "Isn't this place...in the middle of nowhere?" I ask, basically reading Sams mind.
   "So...?" Dean obviously doesn't understand. I wouldn't expect him to look into anything when there's porn and candy involved.
   "So what's a four star hotel doing on a no star highway?" Sam asked. Before Dean could answer, I could hear the woman from the couple earlier moan from the room next to us. We could hear chuckles from both of them and the bed hitting against the wall. I grimaced and flinched as we heard a loud thud and the wall was broken down and the tv almost fell to the ground. Dean and I went over to search the room while Sam stayed behind in ours. Dean and I walk in and see a large engagement ring on the floor. I crouch down and pick it up, before showing it to Dean and inspect it more.
   "Hello?" Dean asked while I stand up, the ring still in my hand. I ask the same question, and when nobody answers, we walk downstairs to see Chad standing at the desk still. We brought Sam with us down to the lobby after explaining the situation to him. I spun the ring in my hand and looked up at Chad.
   "The, uh, room next to ours. The couple. The-uh-couple that are, uh...joined at the lips...have you seen them?" Dean asked smiling a little nervously.
   "Mr. and Mrs. Logan...the honeymooners? They checked out. Is something the matter?" He asked with the annoying little smirk on his face as he coolly glanced between the three of us. I raised a curious eyebrow at him.
   "They checked out?" I asked.
   "Mhm. Mm..just now." He nodded slightly and kept the arrogant smile on his face while he checked the records.
   "Really? It sort of seemed like they were...uh...in the middle of something." Sam asked, pausing to chuckle awkwardly in the middle of his sentence.
   "Yeah. It's sort of weird for honeymooners to, uh, check out with this." I smiled politely and held up the ring.
   He glanced down at it. His smile faltered a little before returning to its normal state. "Oh, dear. I'll just put that right in the lost and found. Don't you worry." He politely took the ring from me. For some reason, this guy just seemed off to me since we walked into the lobby. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
   Dean smiled warily. "Uh, no. No, we're good."
   "Super, fantastic." Chad answered creepily.
   "Creepy." Sam muttered to himself. Yeah, no kidding.
   "Broke the needle." Dean answered. "Alright, well, I'll scope out the joint, you two keep and eye on Norman Bates over here. I mean one night off. Is that too much to ask?"
   Sam and I follow Chad to the vending machines and we lost sight of him. We both hear a slicing sound and we both reach up to our chins, were identical cuts have showed up. They both look exactly like Deans.
   I walked down the hall, rolling my eyes and humming a familiar tune. I pull out my EMF detector to see if I can see anything wrong. I was looking down at the small device in my hand as I walked past a room with the door open. Just as I passed it I saw a large grey object from the corner of my eye. I thought nothing of it until I heard a trumpeting noise from the room just as I passed it. I took a few steps back and looked back into my room. I saw a large man wrapping a red towel around his waist. He looks up and noticed me.
   "This ain't no peep show, lady!" He yelled at me.
   All three of us walked into the completely empty lobby. Sam glanced down at me. "An elephant?"
   "Like...an elephant?"
   "Like full on, Babar." I answered. I swear I've been spending to much time with Dean.
   "So what the hell is...where is everybody?" Dean asks and then interrupts himself. Sam walks to the lobby door but it doesn't open when he jiggles the doorknob. He groans and runs a hand through his hair.
   Dean groaned when he realized that his brother couldn't open the door. "Let me guess— it's locked. So what— the roaches check in, they don't check out?" He asks, squinting slightly in confusion.
   "Think about how we got here. That detour on I-90? The friggin' hurricane?" I told the eldest Winchester.
   "You saying we were led here?" I rolled my eyes. What do you think, dipshit?
   "Like rats in a maze." Sam answered for me.
   I walked up to the boiling pot of blood red liquid in the hotel kitchen stovetop. "Please be tomato soup, please be tomato soup!" I spun the spoon around and lifted it up and grimaced as I saw an eyeball sitting there instead of a chunk of tomato like I hoped. "Hotel Hell."
   I saw Sam and Dean walk up to a freezer and I turned to it. There were people in there. More specifically, the other guests that mysteriously disappeared. Sam started to pick the lock on the the freezer.
   "Hurry up!" Dean yelled at Sam as I watched the try to open the freezer. I saw Sam glance at me through the reflection.
   "I'm going as fast as I...as fast as I can." I internally groaned.
   "There's somebody behind me, isn't there?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Suddenly a large man dragged the boys and me to the ballroom, where it looked like a grand feast would be held. Which, of course, Dean had to respond to with a typical witty comeback.
   "Something tells me this isn't a Shriners convention." He said while we all three struggled and grunted against the large men holding us back.
   "Dinner is served." Chad said looking smugly around the room. I noticed his old name tag was replaced by a new one that read 'Mercury'. Of course. I looked around the room and spotted different ones including Kali, Baldur, and Odin. Pagan Gods. What a surprise. I rolled my eyes as everyone applauded us. Baldur stood up. I'd have to admit. He was quite a looker. If he wasn't a Pagan God, most likely planning to slaughter my best friends and I, then I would've been interested. But the thought of him killing us brought a meaningful scowl brought to my face.
   "Ladies and Gentlemen, our guests of honor have arrived." He grabbed his champagne glass and clinked a fork against it to grab everyone's attention.  "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. Although in all my centuries, I never thought I'd see this. This many gods under one roof-"
   "Gods?" Sam whispered to us. I rolled my eyes. Obviously, he doesn't pay attention and look at name tags. They were all wearing one.
   "-Now before we get down to brass tacks, some ground rules. No slaughtering each other. Curb your wrath. Oh, and uh, keep your hands off the local virgins please. We're trying to keep a low profile here.-"
   "Oh. We are so...so screwed..." I whispered to the brothers. What next came out of Baldurs mouth sort of surprised me. Well, more than sort of. It shocked the shit out of me.
   "Now. We all know why we're here. The Judeo-Christian apocalypse looms over us. I know we've all had our little disagreements in the past. The time had come tho put those aside and oil toward the future. Because if we don't we won't have one. Now we do have three very valuable bargaining chips. Michael and Lucifers vessels, along with Gabriel's love interest. The question is, what do we do now? Anybody have any bright ideas? Speak up. This is a safe room." Suddenly, a large argument broke out among the group. I couldn't do anything, though. I was standing completely still and I was rigid. Gabriel's...love interest...? Did they mean that they knew about my crush on him...? Or something else...? No. I can't get my hopes up.
   The boys manage to get me out of my trance a few minutes later. We slowly and quietly tried to leave the room, but before we could make it out of the doors, a chandelier crashed down in front of us. Kali, the woman Dean hit on in the buffet, looks up at us.
   "Stay. We have to fight. The Archangels- the only thing they understand is violence. This ends in blood. There is no other way, it's either them, or us." God this woman's getting on my nerves. Nobody talks about the archangels like that. I don't care if they're not talking about Gabriel, they're still talking about his family and I'm sure that would puss him off.
   "With all due respect, ma'am, we haven't even tried talking to them." Cha-...Mercury smiles nervously at Kali. Suddenly his eyes widen and he reaches for his throat as he starts chocking. Suddenly, blood starts to come out of his mouth. Baldur stands up before Mercury could die by chocking on his own blood.
   "Kali!" Baldur yells, stopping Kali.
   "Who asked you?!" Kali yells back at the fellow Pagan.
   Suddenly, the doors swing open and my eyes widen at who's behind them. Gabriel steps into the room without a name tag. He swings back and forth with his arms wide as he speaks for the first time. "Can't we all just get along?"
   I almost say his name but before I can, I'm cut of by a glance from him. I continue trying to say his name, but it seems like I am choking on my own voice. "Sam! Dean! (Y/n)... It's always wrong place, worst time with you guys, huh?"
   Baldur squints at Gabe and speaks up once again. "Loki."
   Wait...Loki? They don't know who he really is do they? I raised an eyebrow and he gave me a tiny shrug before turning to Baldur. "Baldur. Good seeing you too. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail."
   "Why are you here?" He asked, obviously getting annoyed with Gabe.
   "To talk about the elephant in the room." Ganesh, the man in the towel from earlier, begins to stand up. Gabe looks at him. "Not you. The Apocalypse. We can't stop it, gang. But first things first."
   Gabe turns to us. "The adults need to have a little conversation. Check ya later." He winks at me and then snaps his fingers. We all appear in our bedroom.
   "Okay, did that— Holy crap!" Dean yelled.
   "Yeah. Tell me about it. By the way, next time I say let's keep driving, let's keep driving." I looked back at Dean and he rolled his eyes at my response.
   "Okay, yeah. Next time."
   "Alright, what's our next move?" Sam asked us.
   "I don't know. Grab those poor saps out of the freezer I guess? Bust 'em out? Hank a few freaks on our way out if we're lucky?" I responded as I heard the sound of flapping wings from behind me. I turned around to see him sitting on the couch with a sucker in hand.
   "And when are you ever lucky, sweetcheeks?" Gabe asked with his adorable smirk on his face.
   "You know what, bite me Gabriel." Dean said from behind me with an annoyed tone.
   "Maybe later big boy." Dean rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but get a little annoyed.
   "I should've known. I mean you've had your stink all over this from the jump." I said calmly to him even though I was getting more and more pissed off.
   "You think I'm behind this? Please." He scoffed at me and looked at me with an unrecognizable look in his eyes. "I'm the Costner to your Houston. I'm here to save your asses." Dean looked slightly confused.
   "You wanna pull us out of the fire?" He asked.
   "Bingo! Those guys are either gonna dust you, or use you as bait. Either way, you're uber-boned." Gave answered as he turned his gaze from me to Dean.
   "Wow. 'Cause a few months ago you were telling us to 'play our roles'. You were uber-boning us." I scoffed at him.
   "Oh...the end is still nigh. Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada, but not tonight. Not here." He answered me with a smirk on his face while he slightly danced a little bit.
   "And why do you care?" Dean asked, curious.
   "I don't care. But me and Kali..we uh..had a thing. Chick was all hands. What can I say? I'm sentimental." He explained to Dean as he looked a little awkward. If course he was doing it for her. How would I expect anything different? Even then I still felt a small break in my heart when I thought about him with someone else. Especially someone who wants me dead. I looked down and I felt a nudge in my side. I looked up and Sam was looking down at me with a concerned look on his face. He was the only one who knew about my feelings for sure. I never told Dean but I'm sure he's suspicious by now. I gave Sam a small smile and looked back up, hiding my disappointment.
   "Do they have a chance? Against Satan?" Sam finally intervened in the conversation. Dean looked up at Sam with an exhausted look on his face.
   "Really, Sam?" He asked.
   "You got a better idea, Dean?" I took Adams side.
   Before they could continue their argument, Gabe responded to Sams question. "It's a bad idea. Lucifers gonna turn 'em into finger paint. Soap let's get going while the goings good, hm?"
   "Okay great. Why don't you just zap us outta here then?" Dean asked him.
   "Would if I could, but Kali's got you by the short and curlies. It's a blood spell. You guys are on a leash." I groaned and rolled my eyes.
   "What does that mean?" Dean asked.
   "It means it's time for a little bit of black magic." Gabriel took out a bottle of mouth spray and spayed it a few times into his mouth before smirking. I  rolled my eyes again. God, I'm an idiot for liking him. Even if he's doing it for our help, he's still probably going to get pleasure out of it. He's such a player. Sam gave me a sad quick smile before Dean responded.
   "Okay, yeah. Whatever. Well, we're just gonna take the hors d'oeuvres in the freezer with us."
   "Forget it. It's gonna be hard enough sneaking you three out of here." Gabe responded.
   "They call you Loki, right? Which means they don't really know who you are?" I asked.
   "Told you. I'm in witness protection." He answered, referring to when we talked in the warehouse.

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