They Meet the Fam (Preference)

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Requested by: gurlyoceilingonfire Love ya Satan! 😈😂💕
Dean: He was kind and awkward, not like the typical, confident and cocky Dean you usually know. He was very polite and every time you shot him a questioning glance, he would shrug and take another sip of his wine. By the end of the night, Dean had loosened up and gained your mothers love by praising her cooking, and your fathers love my watching the football game on the television after dinner.

Sam: Your younger sister immediately started hitting on him as soon as you both walked through the door, and halfway through dinner, it seemed like your mother was too. Talk about disturbing. Every time one would flirt or make a move on him, he would smile nervously at you and/or would wrap him arm around your shoulders or your waist, reminding them silently that he was taken. Your father approved of him, even though he was suspicious that Sam had been in the military at some point, claiming that he looked like the 'veteran type'. Sam kept denying it, and eventually your father believed him.

Castiel: You had always claimed to be Bobby's adopted child without the legal documents. We know how turned out. Ya know, the whole 'Dean I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition' thing while Bobby had been knocked out by the angel near the doorway of the barn.

Gabriel: Your parents didn't really approve of him when they first met him, but after they saw how much you loved each other, they accepted it. Your little brother was the only one to really accept him at first, but that's because Gabe gave him a large fistful of candy. Candy + Teenage boy = Angry mom. Your mother started warming up to him after he complimented her desert with a genuine, grateful smile plastered on his face after she made him chocolate cheesecake. Your father finally started to appreciate the archangel when Gabe started talking about the time he saved you from a robber. He ended up having a lighthearted conversation about embarrassing stories from your childhood (your father) and the present (Gabriel).

Crowley: He never met your parents, but you met his mother. Rowena loved you, seeing as you had a smart mouth and had fiddled a little bit with witchcraft. Crowley seemed a little awkward and nervous, seeing as his mother and his queen had gotten along so well, but he ended up getting used to it. You adored Rowena, especially when she would start telling you embarrassing stories about his childhood. Your favorite story is when she tried to sell him for three pigs. Every time she tells that story, you can always hear Crowley grumble "I'm at least worth five."

Lucifer: Your parents died when you were little, but you were quite fond of Chuck, who was technically Luci's father. You actually knew Chuck before you knew Lucifer. You hunted with the boys since you were around fifteen years old, so you met him around the same time as the boys did.

Balthazar: Your mother, being the tourist she is, loved Balthazar. She had a love for France and its people. Especially ones that took such good care of their children. Your father didn't really know how to feel about him until Balthy decided to strike up a conversation about wine.

Kevin: Your mom was already great friends with Mrs. Tran. That's actually how you and Kevin met. (I know my 'How You Met' preference but for the sake of this one, let it go. And PLEASE NOBODY COMMENT FROZEN REFERENCES! Ava that means you -.-) Your mom thought Kevin was adorable, and you were honestly one of the only girls that Mrs. Tran would approve of to date her son. When Kevin was taken away, he had begged the Winchesters to bring you along, and they did.

Authors note:
   I hope you guys enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it! Feel free to request imagines or preferences! I'm okay with Cast or Characters, and anything is accepted! I don't want to do smut, but if it comes to it, I'll do it. I haven't written smut before, so it'll probably be awkward. Anyhow, IHOPEYOUGUYSENJOYEDTHISIKNOWIDIDILOVEMRSTRANOMGIMISSHERSOMUCHHHHH!!!
If you need that (^^^) translated I will do so XD.
Request me in my messages, comments, or if you know me personally, then text me! See you next chapter!
                  With Supernatural love,
                                      Kyleigh Novak 💕

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