Baby? Is That You? (Dean x reader) PART ONE OF TWO

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Authors note: Hey guys! So as a heads up, I'm letting you know what the main idea for this one is. So basically, you were the Impala. A witch turned you into a human, and Deans in love. Cool? Cool. Enjoy!!
(Y/n)'s POV:
   Dean treats me so well. So did his father, but Dean is my favorite owner so far. Sam treats me well, but Dean takes extra special care of me. He always likes to fix me up and wash me down afterwards. (This sounds like some kinky shut up in here 😂) It's always a fun cycle, and honestly I'm not complaining. He treats me like I'm his one and only love. He even gave me the nickname 'Baby'. To bad I'm just a car though. I feel like we would make the best power couple EVER. Ugh. I always think about what would happen if I was human. Would he still love me the same way? Would he still look at me with the same loving and compassionate gaze as he does now? I'll tell you what though. If he's sleeping on me or if I get to feel that fine fabric of his jeans on my seats, I'm fine with being me just the way I am. It still makes me wonder though. What if I was human?
   Deans POV:
I got out of Baby and placed a loving hand on her hood. I'll never let her go. I love her with all of my heart. Now that I think about it legal to marry a car? Nah...I don't think it is...if it was I would already be married to her. Haha. What if she was human? That would be interesting. It would be like she knows me more than anyone. Well, except Sam. But would she be near my age or would she actually be as old as the car really is? I hope the first choice. I don't like older women. No matter how connected we may be. If she was older then maybe she could be like a mother figure to us. But if she's around my age, I'm banging her. Sorry, but it's gonna happen. I mean seriously. How cool would that be? Wait. I'm getting to far ahead of myself. I'm acting like that's actually going to happen. Haha, I wish! I heard Sam calling my name from the motel door and I realize that I must've zoned out because I was still standing in front of Baby, with a caring hand gently placed on her hood. I shook my head and snapped out of it before grabbing our bags from the trunk and walking into the motel room for a nice four hour nap.

(Y/n)'s POV:
The boys came back from their hunt and Dean zoned out while staring at me before walking back into the motel room for the night. Time for me to rest I guess...

   I woke up in the parking space that Dean had parked me in last night. Wait...woke up? Why did I wake up? I normally just zone out until it's time for me to be used again. Where's the brothers? What's going on?! I stood up and walked to the door.'ve gotta be kidding me. Am I...human now? Oh. My. God. How am I going to explain this to the boys? I mean...I do have the scars from the boys carving their initials into me on my shoulder. Maybe that'll help? I had long, shiny black hair and dark grey eyes. I looked down to see that I was in a leather jacket, grey tank top, dark charcoal jeans and black combat boots. Great. At least it matches my old looks. I went up to the door that I saw the boys walk into last night and knocked lightly. I was really nervous. What if they don't believe me? What if they kick me out of their lives? I hope Dean doesn't kick me out. The door opened to reveal a confused Moose.
   "Uh...hi. Who are you?" The curious giant asked.
   "You might not believe me if I told you..." I looked down at the ground nervously. This was a bad idea. Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?
   "Try me. I'd believe almost anything you throw at me. I promise."
   Yeah. I'm not so sure about that. "You have to trust me, okay? I'll prove it to you in as many ways as you want, but it'll be hard to believe."
   "Um...okay...? Who are you?"
   "Technically, my name's (Y/n). But you and your brother know me as Baby." I looked up nervously to see his reaction. Yep. You guessed it. A mix between shock and disbelief crossed his face.
   "Baby...?" He asked confused.
   "Yep. Or the Impala. Either one works. But if you need proof, go ahead and ask away."
   He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked towards the ground before coming up with a question. "Do you have the initials we carved into you? Or did they disappear when you became human?"
   I slid off my jacket sleeve and shoved my charcoal tank top strap down so that he could see the plain "SW" and "DW" messily scratched there. I turned back around to see he had a curious look on his face. "What about the army man I shoved into the ashtray?"
   I slipped on my strap and my jacket sleeve before lifting my shirt up a little, revealing a tattoo of a little green army man resting just above my hip. He seemed surprised, but he didn't say anything for a few seconds.
"Huh. Interesting."
   I chuckled. "Yeah I guess so. So do you believe me?"
   "Yeah...but I'm not sure how Dean will react." I flinched slightly at the name of my crush. Sam seemed unfazed by it, if he even noticed it. He lead me to the door and opened it slightly to make sure Dean wasn't watching porn or walking around naked after a shower or something. After he seemed sure that I wouldn't be running into any more surprises than I already had, he opened the door completely with me following behind. I looked around the room from behind Sam and saw Dean casually laying down on one of the beds watching some random television show. He looked up at his brother and then he noticed me. I was beautiful in his mind. He looked like he recognized me but he couldn't place a name to a face or something.
   "Sam? Who's the ladyyyyy?" He asked somewhat cautious and curious at the same time.
   "You have to trust us on this Dean. You know her, but she's not in the same...form as she usually is. I already tested her, and she is who she says she is.'s the Impala." Dean looked surprised, but he also looked as if he might believe it.
   "Baby? Is that you?" He asked with his eyes widened in confusion. He did believe us!
   I nodded and looked up at him. "Hello Dean."

Authors note: Hey guys! Kyleigh here! I hope you've enjoyed this story! My dads friends finally left, although I sort of miss hanging out with them, but now I'm not as distracted! I will post a part two either tomorrow or later today, depending on how much I can get written. Even though I'm not as distracted, I still have family and chores to do before school starts *cringes at the thought of school starting*
UGH YOU GUYS WILL HAVE TO SAVE ME FROM THE HELL THAT IS MY FIRST DAY AT HIGH SCHOOL IN A NEW TOWN WHERE I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOBODY!!!! Honestly though, I feel like Wattpad, my fans in Wattpad, Netflix (mainly SPN), and food are my paradise. You guys always support me no matter what and I am so happy to have such supportive fans! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCHHHHHHH!!! See you next chapter!!
          With Supernatural love,
                     Kyleigh Lafayette 💕
PS I've resent let gone through a random stage of loving the four main Angels, Kevin, Garth, and some of the other characters that aren't main stream. Anyone feel me?

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