Lets Play a Game (Richard Speight Jr. X reader)

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(A/n): Stuff gets pretty heated but  it's not really considered smut ...they don't go all the way...so...'Sorta Smut'? Yeah. Sorta smut. I like it. XD It's a little long btw!!!!! Just warning you!
Requested by: archangxl
(N/n): nickname
(Y/n)'s POV: I had just moved here for one purpose only. I got a role on the tv show 'Supernatural'. Well, my brother lived here too but it's basically the same thing. In the show, the archangel Gabriel was my guardian angel, and I was the reason the Winchesters found out about Gabriel's fake death. They didn't know it was fake. They actually thought he had been dead for about four years before they met me. Then, magically, Gabriel appeared. Anyway, tonight was my birthday and I didn't have very many friends around here yet. The only people I would truly consider my friends were the cast members of the show. Because I didn't have very many friends, I wasn't really planning on having a birthday party. Instead, I planned to sit on my couch and watch my favorite show while eating my favorite flavor of ice cream. (If you can't eat ice cream, or you just don't like it, eat popcorn or your favorite candy.) But apparently, some people had other plans. I walked through the door, popcorn and ice cream and hand, and flipped on the lights. Suddenly, I had about ten to fifteen people jump up and simultaneously yell "Surprise!!!"
   I jumped and dropped my bags, thankful that the ice cream didn't go everywhere. I held my hand over my heart and had a little heart attack before laughing. My friends, all from the show, laughed with me and all lined up to give me hugs. After Misha had picked up my bags and set them on the counter. He was always a sweetheart. Well...not always but you get the point. Mark Sheppard had come up to me first and smiled widely before pulling me into a hug. "Happy birthday, darling." He whispered before pulling away.
   "Thanks Shep." I smiled back before jumping up and hugging Jared. I wasn't short, but he was still too tall for me to typically pull him in for a hug unless it was around the waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he chuckled and spun me around in a circle before putting me on the ground.
   "Happy birthday, (n/n)!" The moose smiled down at me. I smiled back up at him.
   "Thanks Jare-bear." Only I was aloud to call him that. Not even Jensen could call him that nickname. Only me.
   "Misha! Get over here!" I hugged him tightly as he laughed in my ear. Misha was my adopted brother, but we didn't share a last name.
   "Happy birthday, sis! (Or bro.)" I smiled at my brother.
   "Thanks Mish." Next in line was Jensen. He came up and gave me a hug before giving me a polite kiss on the cheek. In the friendly way, of course.
   "Happy birthday, kiddo!" He said as he smirked at the nickname he gave me. He was only aloud to call me that. He was the only one that would survive after giving me that name, anyway. Only as long as I could call him old man.
   Mark Pellegrino came up and twirled me around in a tight hug too. "Happy birthday, girly. (Or little guy if you're male.)
   "Thanks Markimoo!" I kissed his cheek, just as Jensen had. I said the rest of your hellos before it was Richards turn.  He was the last, but certainly not the least. I had always had a small crush on him, but I knew he didn't feel the same. Sure, he flirted with me, but he flirts with everyone. Even Jared.
   Richard smiled at me before pulling me into a bear hug and lifting me off the ground a little bit. I was about the same height as Richard but I was still skinnier and not as muscular. He kissed my cheek, just as Mark and Jensen had, but he was different so I had to force down a blush. "Happy birthday, Sweetheart."
   I smiled at him, and I hoped he didn't notice the blush creeping up on my face. "Thanks, Rich. Glad you came."
  He nodded. "No problem. I wouldn't miss it for the world! Only two people knew about my crush on him, and they were Misha and Rob. I think Jared and Shep had a sneaking suspicion, but they never really asked about it. I could Misha and Rob smiling at us. Mishas smile was more of a mischievous smirk, really. Rob looked like he was happy that I could have this little moment with Richard. I led Richard, Pellegrino, and Sebastian into the kitchen to help set up the food. My brother ended up coming in later to help, but he only put some chips in a bowl and stole a beer from my fridge. I rolled my eyes and put all the beer onto the counter. I also had out some wine and soda. If someone wanted water, I had the water poured thingy on my fridge. (I can't remember what it's called XD) After everything was set out, I walked into my living room, the boys following me, to see that they had already gotten out my video games. I smiled before jumping over the back of my couch and landed next to Jensen. I grabbed a controller and started racing on Super Mario Cart against Rich, Shep, Jared, and my brother. I, of course, had won. After a while, everyone got tired of me winning so Mish suggested a different game. We were all a little tipsy at this point. We had already worked out a plan to where everyone was staying the night here, so it's not like anyone had to drive tonight. Everyone used this to their advantage. Misha jumped up after our tenth race and everyone looked up at him.
   "I know what we should do now!" He yelled. You could tell he had a few beers, but he wasn't hammered or anything. Just a little tipsy.
   "And what's that Misha?" I looked up at him with my eyebrow raised and a questioning look plastered on my face.
   "We, my dear (y/n), are going to play Spin the Bottle." Normally I would disagree, but honestly I've been trying to get Mish to realize he had feelings for Jensen, and this was a perfect opportunity. There was a few girls here so it wouldn't be all guys and one girl (or just all guys). Felicia, Ruth, and Genevieve had shown up. (In this imagine, Gen and Jared aren't together yet. I needed another woman XD)
   I looked around and when I saw how excited Richard was, I couldn't say no. Maybe I'll get a chance...? Nah...but still. I could kiss him even if he doesn't like me back and I can say it was just part of the game. I pretended to look a little annoyed when I looked up at Misha so it wouldn't look like I was too eager. "Ugh. Fine..."
  "Yay!" Misha cheered and everyone sat down next to each other in a circle. In the middle was an empty beer bottle, (provided by my drunk brother) and a bowl with slips of folded part in them explaining what type of kiss we had to do.
   "(Y/n), since it's your birthday, why don't you spin first?"  Gen suggested.
   "Um...okay..." I spun the bottle and it landed on Sebastian.
   "I always knew destiny would bring us together." He joked and winked my way. I rolled my eyes playfully with a smile on my face.
   "Just grab the piece of paper, Frenchy." He smiled and pulled out a piece of paper from the bowl.
   "French kiss for thirty seconds. How original." I laughed as I stood up and walked over to him. Eventually I was straddling him, but not in the sexual way. Just, ya know, to get a better position for the kiss I guess.
   "You ready, love?" I nodded and lightly kissed him. He quickly turned up the heat a little and I could taste the wine on his lips. Thirty seconds later the buzzer went of and we broke the kiss. He wasn't that bad. In fact, if I didn't like Richard so much, then I would've kept going past the timer. We both acted as if nothing really happened. We didn't ignore it, we just didn't really push something that doesn't need to be pushed. I sat back down in my eventual spot. It kept going on for a little bit. There was even a point where Misha spun the bottle and it landed on me. We both laughed nervously and he spun the bottle again. After a small make out session with Pellegrino, who wasn't that bad either, it was my turn again. I spun the bottle and it landed on Richard. Misha chuckled and Rob had a big smile on his face. Richard didn't seem to pay any attention to it. He grabbed the piece of paper and read it aloud. He seemed to be not really effected by having to kiss me, and hopefully he couldn't see how effected I was.
   "Against the wall, make out session, one minute." He read and turned to me. We both stood up and walked towards each other. I was a little more awkward and he seemed like he was cool with what was about to happen. He grabbed my thighs and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He pushed his lips to mine roughly as he pushed me against the wall. I kissed back hungrily, not really caring if I looked and felt needy. I wanted this for so long and I wanted it bad. He pressed me up against the wall harder, but not too hard, while he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him in and our tongues swirled together. I could taste the alcohol in his mouth before he moved his lips down to my neck, searching for a sweet spot. It was already almost a minute, but he didn't seem to care and neither did I. I rolled my head to the other side so he could have more access to my neck. Once a moan escaped my lips, he started sucking and biting on the sweet spot he had discovered on my neck. I could feel one of his warm and soft hands slowly leave my thigh and slowly approach the hem of my shirt. He slid his hand up my shirt slightly and started to rub circles on my side with his thumb. His lips returned to mine in a sweet and heated kiss.
   "Alright guys enough. It's two minutes past when the timer went off." Richard pulled back out of the kiss and smiled softly at me. I looked down and blushed heavily. He put his finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look him in the eyes.
   "We're not finished here." He said with a smirk on his face. I nodded and kissed him lightly again before he set me back down. The rest of the game went on, but I couldn't get my mind off the kiss with Richard. And by the way he was looking at me, I could tell he couldn't either. After the game and every one had kissed everyone, it was pretty late so every one got up to get ready for bed. Richard came up to me while everyone was laying out their blankets and getting their beds on the living room floor set up. I was cleaning up some chips off the counter when I felt a familiar warm hand lightly grab my waist. I turned and saw Richard with a small confident smirk on his beautiful face. I smiled back at him and he put his other hand on my waist as well.
   "So it seems like you enjoyed that just as much as I did." He said, his golden brown eyes staring deep into my (e/c) ones.
   "Yeah. I did." I bit my lip and blushed a little, realizing that he liked me possibly as much as I liked him. He was sober enough to realize what he was doing and remember it in the morning and so was I. At least j know that it wasn't just the alcohol effecting him.
   "Well then...would you like to do me the honors of being mine?"
   I nodded. "I would love to."
   His face brightened up even more. "Good. That means I can do this."
   He started kissing me roughly again and brought me back to the bedroom. Let's just say that the others probably weren't getting any sleep tonight. I'll have to thank Misha tomorrow for suggesting that game.

Authors note:
   I hope you enjoyed that! It was my first time writing anything close to smut, but I wanted to give it a try. If you have any requests feel free to let me know in the comments or you can message me! Thank you guys for spending your time to read my book! See you next chapter!
            With Supernatural love,
                            Kyleigh Fitzgerald 💕

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