Hammer Of The Gods (Gabriel x Reader) (PART TWO)

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(Y/n)'s POV~
   After Gabriel's death, I straightened up, walked out, and put on a straight face. The guys were standing outside the Impala and Dean looked like he was about to scream at me. Sam apparently saw the blood on my shirt and pain behind my mask, because he changed his expression from angry to understanding. Dean stood straight up and pointed a finger at me once I got a few feet away, ready to give me a lecture. He opened his mouth to say something before I pushed the DVD into his chest and sat down in the back seat. I saw him give Sam a confused look before Sam seemed to explain it to him. Dean stood silent for a minute before he slowly walked to the drivers seat and got in. Sam gave me a sorrowful look before sitting down next to his brother, who was ready to speak again.
   "List-" Dean started before I interrupted him.
   "Don't. Not right now, okay? Later, you can yell or sweet talk all you want but not right now." He nodded and glanced up at me through the rear view mirror. I ignored the looks that both of the brothers were giving me and let a small, silent tear slide down my face.
~~~~~~•<Time skip brought to you by: Deans daughter Emma>•~~~~~~
   I walked into the motel and dropped my bag onto the bed. I curled up and started to drift off before I remembered the DVD. I stood up, opened my bag and pulled the DVD out of my duffel and put it into SAMs computer which I stole from in front of him. He knew better than to yell at me in this state, but he also seemed curious. He must've seen that I was inserting a porn DVD into the computer. Dean immediately jumped and landed beside me, and excited expression on his face. I raised and eyebrow at him and he had a large smile that went up to his eyes. I shook my head and his smile faltered. Sam looked up at me, a smile slowly making its way onto his face.
   "(Y/n)...is there anything you'd like to share with the class?" He asked.
   "Uh...no...? This is the DVD Gabe wanted me to 'guard with his life.'" He nodded in understanding and then walked over to us. He sat down just as I started the video. Suddenly a red title card scrolled down the screen. Dean was acting as if he'd seen this title card millions of times, while Sam seemed a little awkward to be watching porn with Dean and I both with him, let alone at all. I just shrugged it off, making it pretty obvious that I was just watching it to see what Gabriel wanted us to know. Suddenly, cheesy porno music came out of the speakers and words started to roll up the title card.

   "Dear Diary," the speakers cut from the music to a familiar voice and the screen started to show a woman with (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair and a 'sexy suit' on. My eyes widened as I recognized the woman's appearance and voice. Me....? How and why did Gabriel do this...? "Being a high powered business president is super-fun. But it can be soooo exhausting. Sometimes, I just need to relax. I need Casa Erotica."
   My eyes widened and I looked over at the boys to see that Dean seemed a little uncomfortable now and they were both looking between me and the computer with wide eyes. I turned back to the computer when I heard a knock on my-the woman's door. "Room service."
   I cringed as my voice responded to the accented voice coming from the other end of the door. "Come in!"
   Sam looked over at me. "He wanted you to protect this with your life...?" Before I could answer, Dean did.
   "Maybe he's a fan. Before the lady got switched out, it was a good one." He smiled at me and I raised my eyebrow in annoyance.
   Suddenly the door on the screen opened and I gasped loudly. There stood Gabriel, with a fake mustache and cheesy waiter outfit on. "I've got the kielbasa you ordered."
   The porno-me smirked and got excited. "Ooh. Polish?"
   "Hungarian." Suddenly the fake me was pulled into a heated make out session with Gabe. I cringed and I saw the brothers do the same. Dean got up and grabbed a trash can when he heard Sam gag a little bit. I would too, but honestly, I didn't know whether to be grossed out or a little turned on. Yes, I know, it's weird. But think about it. Wouldn't you? Suddenly my cheeks turn bright red as he starts feeling the fake me up and they...we..? Both moan. Sam looks the most disgusted out of all of us and he speaks up first.
   "What the hell is going on?" Suddenly stops the make out session and turns to the camera before ripping the fake mustache off.
   "Sam, Dean. (Y/n)." As he says my name he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I try my hardest to hold back embarrassed laughter. It looks like he holds back a few giggles before he smirks and starts speaking again. "You're probably wondering what the hells going on. Well, if you're watching this, I'm probably dead. Oh please! Stop sobbing, it's embarrassing for all of us."
   He gave a small sad small to the camera, probably knowing that I was actually about to break down in uncontrollable sobs. He continued after taking a deep breath. "Without me, you've got zero shot at killing Lucifer, sorry! But you can trap him. He cage you sprung Lucifer from? It's still down there. And maybe, just maybe, you can shove his ass back in.  Not that it'll be easy. You gotta get the cage open, shove my brother back in."
   When he said that, I cringed. It still makes me so mad to the think that a brother could kill his own like that. Especially the two that were most alike out of the family. And plus, I knew it wouldn't be easy. "And uh, oh yeah, avoid Michael and the God Squad. But hey, details, right? And he's the big secret, Lucifer himself doesn't even know— the key to the cage? It's out there. It's actually keys, plural. Four keys, well, four rings. From the Horsemen. You get 'em all, you got the cage. Can't say I'm betting on you three. But, uh, hey! I've been wrong before." Suddenly his eyes got sad again. It looked like he was staring straight at me and that made me want to break down immediately.
   "And (Y/n), you were right. I was afraid to stand up to my brother. So this is me standing up with you," he stood up. What was he doing? I raised my eyebrow at him. "And this is me lying down with you."
   He grabbed the fake me and threw me down on the bed. My eyes widened as he started to tear my business suit off and make love to me. I was obviously frozen in place, so Sam shut the laptop. The brothers had a mix of confusion and disgust written on their face before Sam spoke. "Oh, ugh, oh! Oh man!"
   Dean shook his head in digits before going back to the case. "Horsemen, huh? Well we got Wars, we nicked Famines, so that's two down. Collect all four? All we need is Pestilence and Deaths."
   I finally unfroze from witnessing what Gabriel was doing to my fake body. "Is that all...?"
   Sam nods. Dean threw the laptop into Sam's duffle bag. "Well let's get some sleep and we'll go on the hunt in the morning."
   I nodded and got changed into my sports bra/sweatpants sleep combo. I put my hair into a French braid, (because messy buns are too mainstream lol jk) and climbed under the covers. Just as I was falling asleep I heard what sounded like whispering coming from the laptop.
   "Pst! (Y/n)! (Y/nnnnnnnn)! I know you can hear me!" I heard Gabriel's voice coming from the laptop. I picked it up and opened it, feeling my eyes burn out from my skull because of the light. On the screen, stood Gabriel, a sad smile on his face. "Meet me outside, sweetcheeks. And don't worry about how you look. You always look amazing to me."
   The screen turned black, and I grabbed my sweatshirt before heading outside. I was confused, but I didn't question it. I slid on my flip flops and opened the door. There, leaning against the Impala, was the love of my life. I stopped and stood with my eyes wide with mixed emotions as I saw him turn to me. I felt...I felt...how did I feel...? How was I supposed to feel...? I was angry, sad, happy, confused, ecstatic, and so many more emotions. Finally, I decided to go with happy as I ran and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my head was hidden in the crook of his neck while tears streamed down my face. One of his strong arms was underneath of me to support me while the other was wrapped around me, holding me tight. I felt his tears stream down my shoulder as his head was buried into my neck. I pulled back and grabbed his face in my hands before pulling him into a passionate kiss. I put every emotion coursing through my body into that kiss and he did the same. Our tears mingled together and we kissed under the moonlight. Finally we both pulled away and I rested my forehead on his, both of our eyes still closed.
   "(Y/n)...I love you so much. I'm so sorry that I had to leave you. And before you ask, yes. I did die. But Dad brought me back. I'd like to think it was because he knew that I needed to be with you and protect you from all eve ok in this world, including my brother. But because of those dangers, we can't tell anybody that I'm alive. Do you understand that? Please tell me you do. I love you so much and I can't stand having to leave you ever again." Gabriel whispered. I could feel his hot breath on my face before I kissed him again. I pulled back and gave him a light smile.
   "I understand. And Gabe...?"
   "Hm..?" He hummed against my lips.
   "I love you too." I smiled because finally, I knew I had my angel back and he wouldn't ever leave me again. Not completely.

Authors note:

And you can't deny that. We all know I will. I deserve it after this shit.


*cough cough* Chuck. *cough cough*


Do it.
Or I'll rip your heart out again.
That won't be an empty threat.
She knows from experience. ^^^^^


       With Supernatural love,
                        Kyleigh Chau 💕

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