How You Met (Dean, Sam, Cas, Gabe.)

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Dean: I was sitting in a local dinner, listening to (Y/F/B) (Your favorite band), when a rather attractive man sat down in front of me. I pulled out my earbuds and raised an eyebrow at the man.
"Hi. I'm Dean. And you're beautiful. Pleasure to meet you." He reached his hand out with a confident smirk displayed across his face. I rolled my eyes to avoid the fact that I was slightly blushing.
"I'm (Y/n). You're cheesy. Nice to meet you too anyway. Why exactly are you sitting here?" I shook his hand and was pleasantly surprised at how someone's hand could be so soft and rough and the same time.
"I saw you sitting over here by yourself and I couldn't resist seeing if I could convince you to go out with me. How am I doing?" He bit his bottom lip lightly, and studied my body with his eyes. I looked him over as well. I was about to answer when I heard someone clear their throat above me.

"Welcome to Carvers Diner. What would you like?" The waitress spoke to me with a monotone voice but she wasn't rude. I could tell she was just exhausted.

"I'd like a slice of the pie you have over there please." I smiled up at her and she smiled back lightly.

"No problem. What about you, sir?"

"I'm not actually sitting here. I was sitting with my brother over there. He knows what I want. Thank you ma'am." He smiles back at her and points to a tall, also attractive man, sitting in a booth on the other side of the diner.
The waitress looks back down at me. "It looks like you get the last slice of pie for the day miss!" She smiled and turned back around, sauntering off back to the counter. I looked back at Dean and he had a surprised and slightly mad look on his face.

"What's your problem Dean-o?" I raised an eyebrow at him again and leaned back into my booth.

"Y-you took the last slice of pie..."

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't we share it then?"

Sam: "No Garth! I don't want to team up with anybody and you know that!" I growled into my phone.
"Too late now sweetheart! I already told them you would do it. They should be arriving at your motel room any minute now anyway. Sorry." Garth responded. I could tell that he was getting a little scared, considering he knows what I'm capable of when I'm mad. Let's just say it's not very pretty.
"Ugh. Garth you are so lucky I am a ten hour drive away from you or you would be castrated within seconds."
"Calm down (Y/n). I don't want you being angry when they show up-"
"Don't tell me what to do asshat! Maybe next time you should ask me if I want to team up with someone before you go making deals saying that I will team up with other hunters!" I yelled back into the phone.
"(Y/n)...please. It's one case. I'm sorry that I set you up with-" Garth was interrupted by a knock on my door.
"I gotta go. I think they're here. I'll talk to you about this later."
"Alright be safe-"
"Yeah I know. Bye Fitz." I hung up on him before he could respond.
I opened my door to see too men standing in front of me. "I'm guessing you're Garth's friends?" I looked over the two men. One was taller than the other with longer brown hair and hazel eyes. He was actually pretty attractive. The other was shorter but still pretty tall with short light brown/ dark blonde hair and candy apple green eyes. He wasn't as cute as the other one, but I wouldn't deny him.
"Uh...yeah. You're (Y/n)?" The tall one asked.
"Yeah. What're your names?"
"I'm Dean. This is my brother Sam. Nice to meet you." The shorter one, 'Dean', responded with a gruff voice.
"Nice to meet you too." I stuck my hand out and Dean shook it. I turned to Sam and he did the same, but with a kind smile on his face.
I smiled back. I might just have to thank Garth for his mistake.

Cas: I was on a hunt with the Winchesters when a sharp knife slid across my stomach, tearing my shirt and my skin. I turned around to see Dean and Sam fighting off a few demons of there own. I tried to keep going and fight the black eyed bitch that just tore into me, but I suddenly felt lightheaded and my vision became blurry. I faintly heard one of the brothers yelling my name as soon as I collapsed on the cold concrete floor of the warehouse we were in. After a few minutes and some excruciating pain, I felt a pair of hands grab each arm. I faintly saw the outline of Dean and heard him calling out a name. A few seconds later, another blurry outline of a man appeared in my vision. I lightly heard Dean say a few things like "Hurt" "Heal" "Blood" and "Demon". I saw a hand reaching towards my head and suddenly I felt a soothing warmth rush through me. I looked up and noticed my vision was clearing and I could hear a little better now.
I sat up and looked at the third man that I did not recognize once my vision cleared almost completely. "Thanks. But I have to ask. Who are you?"
He stared at me with his held tilted sideways and with squinted eyes for a few seconds before answering. "I am Castiel. And Angel of the Lord. Are you alright, human?"
"Uh...yeah I'm better I guess. So you are the angel that the guys keep going on about?"
He smiles lightly at me and I can see clearly now. His eyes are so...pretty. I never knew eyes could be such a hypnotizing shade of blue. "I believe so. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah. You too." I smiled back and stared into his eyes before looking over at the Winchesters. "You guys alright?"
Sam nodded and Dean grunted. I'm guessing that's a yes.

Gabriel: I had just finished eating breakfast at a local dinner, and without knowing at the time, I had left my wallet sitting in my stool that I had just gotten up from. I walked down the street and pulled out my phone. The Winchesters were in town, investigating a case. Apparently it was a trickster and I figured I would see if they needed help. I realized that I hadn't put there number in my new phone yet, but I still have their card with their numbers on it in my wallet. I stopped about ten feet from the dinner before reaching for my wallet in my back pocket. The only problem was that it wasn't there. I patted all of my pockets and it wasn't in any of them. I frowned and turned around to head to the dinner, the last place I remember having it. When it turned, of course, I ran face first into someone's chest. I felt two strong arms balance me as I started to stumble back a little it. I looked up and was met with two whiskey colored eyes with golden specks looking down at me. The eyes were paired with a mischievous smirk and golden brown hair that was slicked back.
"You okay? Sorry about that. I was just about to give this to you when you turned around." He kept one arm on the small of my back while the other reached out to me with my wallet in hand. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled widely up at him.
"I'm good. Thank you soooo much for bringing me my wallet. I was worried that someone might've stolen it before I was able to notice its absence." I grabbed the wallet from him and finally noticed the large and soft hand resting on the small of my back.
"No problem. The names Gabe." He smiled back down at me and didn't remove his hand.
"(Y/n)." The smile never left my face.

Authors Note
Hi! I'm Kyleigh, the author. Do not worry! I will be making a part two with some other characters. I just wanted to get another part published so that I could have another SPN thingy up on my account. I hope you guys enjoy the book!

I DO take requests for any character so if you would like an imagine done, or if you have an idea for preferences, feel free to message me at any time! If you don't want to message me, you can write it down in the comments. ENJOY THE STORIES MY LOVES! ❤️💕😘
~Kyleigh Chau ✌🏼️ (before anyone asks, no, that isn't my real last name. I just have a recent infatuation with Osric a.k.a. Kevin)

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