You Don't Have To Stay Here (Sam x Reader)

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A/n: I know I said I would write part two of Baby? Is That You? next, but I got this request and I HAD to write this because it was so amazing! Thanks marvelfreak017 for the request!
(Y/n)'s POV:
    I walked down the long, white corridor in the mental hospital. I was trying to fight back tears, as I did everyday, but I only let them slip when I'm not in public. The love of my life is a patient here. He's been seeing things and hearing voices for a while now. More specifically, he has been hearing and seeing the archangel Lucifer for a while now. I don't think he knows I love him, and if he does he thinks it's in a way only siblings would love each other. Man, would he be wrong. He didn't know how much it crushed my heart every time I saw him sitting in that bed. Apparently his hallucinations keep him awake and he rarely gets a minute of sleep. Every time he gets a chance, he claims that Lucifer wakes him up. Lucifer is torturing Sam in the worst way possible. I find that every time I see him, I want to tell him about my love for him before he's too far gone, but I know that it would be incredibly selfish to tell him that while he's in the state that he's in. I feel like it would be taking advantage of him. I continue down the hall that I've visited every day for the past few months. I feel a single tear slide and make its way down my cheek before I can stop it. I quickly wipe it away, that way nobody can see how pathetic I would look if my true expression reigned. I reach his door and take a deep breath to calm myself before going in. I turn the handle and look up to see Sam lying down on the bed with his back facing me. I can tell that Lucifer is bothering him by the way he goes in between covering his ears with his fists or pressing down hard on the scar on the inside of the palm of his hand.
   "Sammy? It's (Y/n)..." I whisper. I can tell he didn't hear me but I don't push it. Instead I continue to observe him sadly from the doorway. The love of my life is becoming insane and I can't do anything about it. As every second passes, I can see him getting angrier and angrier. He just wants sleep or at least peace for one minute. That's all he's wanted since Lucifer invaded his mind. Suddenly he sits up in his bed and begins to yell.
   "Shut up! GOD CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR ONE MINUTE?! I NEED SOME REST! SO PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP!" Sam yells at an empty corner in the room. I get scared slightly and take a few steps back. Even if I love him, I don't want him to go to insane.
He glances over at me with sad eyes before laying back down, his back still facing me.
   "You don't have to stay here. I love you, but I don't have a chance now. I'm too far gone and I don't think I'm ever going to. So please, don't stay because you pity me. I know you don't love me back. Not in the way I hoped you would. Now, Lucifer has ruined any chance I once had with you." He states simply, staring out the window and curled up in the bed. I see some space next to him so I sit down on the bed and start to run his back lightly.
   "Sammy, don't say that. I will always stick by your side, and I will never leave you. I love you more than you could imagine, and that's exactly why I'm going to be here for you through anything. Seeing and hearing things, or not, I love you and I'll never leave your side. Why do you think I come here everyday? It's because even in this state, I know I won't be able to let you go. I've fallen too hard for you Winchester, and I know I'm never going to recover." I sniffle and realize that I've let a few more tears than expected drop from my eyes. Sam turns and looks at me. He sits up and takes my face in his hands. He looks deeply into my eyes, searching for lies and finding no trace of it in my (y/e/c) eyes. He swipes his thumbs across my cheeks, collecting my fallen tears.
   "Do you really mean that, (Y/n)?" He asked me.
   "Of course I do. You're the love of my life and I'm never ever letting you go. Do you understand me, Moose? Never. Ever." I reply with a sad smile grazing my features.
   He smiles back at me and kisses my softly before resting his forehead on mine, a few fresh tears that didn't belong to me dripping down my face. I open my eyes to see two hazel and tear-filled eyes staring back at me. "I love you too. And I'm never letting you go either." I smile and kiss him again. The man of my dreams loves me back. Crazy or not, I think I'm gonna keep him.

Authors note:
   Hey guys and gals! I hope you gorgeous things liked this chapter! I don't know about you all, but I do know about me.

Anywho, I hope you guys liked it, and the next chapter will be Part Two of 'Baby? Is That You?'! Requests are still welcome! Of you don't feel like commenting or messaging me on Wattpad, here is my other social media and junk you can message me on!
Instagram: _.kyleighdamoose._
Kik: _.kyleighsepticeye._
Twitter: BeebeKyleigh
Skype: beebekyleigh (if not just try
If there's any other social media, ask away! If I don't have it, I'll make one, and if I do I'll let you know! THANKS GUYS AND CHICKAS! (OML NOT THE FNAF FLASHBACKS 😱😰😭💀🐻🐰🐤)
ALSO A SHOUTOUT TO TWO OF MY BESTIES gurlyoceilingonfire is Satan and my love child. AND Heymikki96 IS MY BROTHER AND MY SQUIRRELLLL 💕🐿 LOVE YOU GUYSSSS

I made a new Richard Soeight Jr. Fanfictionnnnn! It's called "The Man With The Whiskey Eyes (A Richard Speight Jr. Fanfic)"

Yay! I hope you guys read it and enjoy it! If I change the cover I'll let you gorgeous people know ☺️💕 See you next chapter!     With Supernatural Love,                      Kyleigh Padalecki 💕

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Yay! I hope you guys read it and enjoy it! If I change the cover I'll let you gorgeous people know ☺️💕 See you next chapter!
     With Supernatural Love,
                     Kyleigh Padalecki 💕

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