Save Me From the Demon! (Richard Speight Jr. X reader)

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(An: I know. Terrible title. I just couldn't think of anything else XD)
   (Y/n)'s POV:
   I threw my head back and laughed at the question. I knew something was up, but I didn't say anything. " you want to know the most efficient way to distract me? Okay."
   The fan nodded and blushed a little, smiling nervously. "I guess a good way to distract me is to take me by surprise with something huge. Like give me a big, loving dog or confess your secret love for me or something. But...I don't think either one of those things will happen. I mean, come on. I'm too out of any of these guys leagues." I giggled into the microphone while looking over at the men beside me. This panel only included Rich, Rob, the two Marks, and Sebastian.
   Pellegrino rolled his eyes. "Excuse me sweetheart, I believe IM the one that's out of YOUR league.  I smirked back at him.
   "Sure, Markipoo. Keep believing that." I smiled and gave him a wink.
   "What about me, Darling? Am I not good enough for you?" Seb asked while pouting. I walked over to him and hugged him.
   "You've always been enough Sebby." The crowd 'awwed' at us. I let go and looked back at the other men. Richard seemed a little flustered.
   "What's up with you, Rich?" He looked into my eyes.
   "Come here and I'll tell you baby." He winked at me. I blushed, I've always had a small crush on Richard, but I hid it with a laugh.
   "Should I be scared?" I looked out into the crowd with a fake worried expression on my face. The crowd laughed, and I joined them until I felt a warm and firm pair of arms wrap around me from behind and hug me closer. 
   "Who is that?" I asked the crowd with a more realistic worried look on my face. The laugh just laughed louder when a loud 'shh' came from very close to my ear.
   There was a chance it could be any of the five men, considering all of them are flirts. Well, except Rob. He's too innocent. I mean...he IS God.  "It's okay. It's your angelic loverrrrr."
   "Rich, what the HELL do you think you're doing?"
   "Distracting you. Is it working?"
   "Um...a little. Why are you distracting me."
   "Nothin'." I rolled my eyes and turned around to look him in the eyes.
   "Rich answer me. What's going on? Why are you distracting me?" I prayed he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks, but I'm guessing by the smirk on his face that he did.
   "Just turn around and you'll figure it out." I widened my eyes and turned around slowly. As I turned around, I instantly regretted it. Staring at me right in the face, were two lifeless black eyes.
   I screamed and jumped, landing in Richards arms. "WHAT THE HELL JARED?!"
   Sitting in front of me was a life size porcelain doll. I looked away and stared into Richards eyes to distract me. His honey and whiskey colored eyes had that effect. "Save me from the demon!" I whimpered loudly to Rich. He laughed and kissed my cheek.
   "Of course, sweetcheeks." He ran off the stage and smiled down at me. I smiled back. He stopped once we got halfway through the conference room. He was out of breath and he looked into my eyes.
   "I'll always try my hardest to save you..." He smiled and leaned down, pressing a soft sweet kiss to my lips. Before I could kiss back, he pulled away with a smile on his face.
   "No need to fear! Richard is here!" He said before running away with me in his arms. Best. Panel. Ever.
Authors note:
  Hey you guuuuyyssss! Hope you enjoyed it! I'll probably post a new preference next update, but I'm not sure. Requests are still an issue! NO REQUESTS?! WHY?! These are my thoughts. Request please! Anywho, enjoy! Thanks for reading, and as always, SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER!
                          Kyleigh Speight 💕

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