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To this is where you kinda get in so

H/C- Hair color
E/C- Eye color
Y/N- Your name
P/N- Phone number


She started laughing.

"Josh, are you mad?" She crossed her arms.

"I mean yes kinda, he's a good friend of mine and I hate to see him loose this bet. And the rules don't say anything about buying him a girlfriend" I smiled

"You have gone mad. One, what kinda of girl would agree to that. Two Simon would not really get that feeling of having a girlfriend knowing he's paying her" she frowned and grabbed my hand. "The feeling every time we see eachother, when we kiss and-"

"He won't know" she let go of my hand and sat back.

"So you will consider youself a good friend by paying a girl to pretend to love him?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Well! You rather have Simon say he's gay to the whole world!" I said loudly, it got quiet and everyone glanced at us.

"Um, sorry to intrude but here's your food" she awkwardly put our plates down

"Thank you" me and Freya muttered mad. She nodded and walked away

"Well he shouldn't have taken that bet in the first place" she sassed and picked at her food with her fork.

"Freya, I'm doing this because he's need it. He won't know, I'll make sure the girl won't give anything away and she is nice" I turned towards her

"Alright Josh name the good things that we'll or Simon will get out of it?" She faced me

"You get a new girlfriend to hang out with,Simon gets money and a Lamborghini, Simon won't loose" I smiled proudly

"Um bad things, I can list this one. Simon finding out she being paid, Simon falling in love with her and she doesn't feel the same, and money wise? Once that girl has more then enough she out of there. Leaving Simon alone, This is everything that will happen. So yes,Josh your being a good friend" she glared at me "by hurting Simon" and she stood up and left, I sat back in my seat and frowned.

"Why do you want a fake girlfriend?" I looked up and saw a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. I shrugged "is this seat taken?" She pointed next to me I shrugged she shrugged and just sat next to me. "Your convensation with that girl was pretty loud"

"Girlfriend" I corrected

"Well.." she waited for a name

"Josh" I filled in

"Ok well Josh,she is right I mean how would you feel if someone was paying her to be with you?"

"I would feel hurt" I muttered

"Exactly and your friend Simon, he would feel betrayed and upset. And if he does find out about it that would make him feel hopeless in love,and he would lose trust in you" I frowned she was right.

"Your right.." I looked at her

"Y/N" she smiles, "I have kinda been through this thing"


"Idiot friends, same bet but not as bad your guys. Poor dude" she placed her hand on her chin

"Poor dude who?"

"For you, we didn't bet money, or coming out gay" she chuckled "we bet on our apartments"

"What? That even worse" I laughed

"No,have you seen Friends! when they make a bet and switch apartments?!" She laughed

"No, I haven't" I smiled

"Well you should, anyway my friend had a month to get a boyfriend. She was very antisocial so my friend Cameron and I helped her"

"My friend is anti social too!" I got excited maybe she can help me.

"Wow" she laughed "but we lost" she frowned "funny thing is, during that whole mission, he true love was helping her trying to find her love, do you get me?" She cocked an eyebrow. I thought about it and slowly nodded. "Her and Cameron, the friend that was helping, got married last year" she laughed

"Look, maybe you can help me" I begged

"Help you? Why would you want me to help you"

"Because you been through this, please I beg you" she thought for a moment

"Let me hear the details to the bet first" she turned towards me. I explained everything, from how it started to money wise and a Lamborghini. "Wow a lambo. You guys must really be idiots" she laughed I shrugged

"To be honest what are we not" I laughed

"Excuse me, were closing up" a waitress told us, me and Y/N got up I quickly paid and left.

"Your friend Simon, he kinda sounds like a nerd

"Yes and no and did you just say t-b-h?" I laughed

"Yes, it's a faster and easier way the saying to be honest" we both laughed

"He needs to be more outgoing with others and real people, from the videos you showed me he only seems like that with your other friend" she kicked a rock. She pulled out her phone "here give me your number and if you need anymore advice or help text or call me" I nodded and typed in her number I gave her mine.

"This really helps Y/N you have no clue how thankful I am" I smiled she nodded

"No problems, well it was nice talking, and meeting you Josh" she smiled and walled to her car. I got in mine and drove home

"Josh is home!" I heard Vikk yell as I walked in, I laughed and went to my room. I set my stuff down and walked to Simon room, I walked in and sat beside him.

"How'd it go?" He asked not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Um, we got in a argument and she left me there" he stopped and turned to me

"Then why it take you so long to get home"

"I met a girl, her name Y/N" I smiled

"You realise you have a girlfriend"

"No, like as a friend, and she willing to help us with your bet" he smiled

"Wait, how will she help?"

"Her friends did that same bet, except they bet on apartments" I laughed

"What?" He was confused

"You have to watch friends" I laughed "anyway she already gave me a tip, be more outgoing" I pat his shoulder and left

"That didn't really help" he shouted from his room, I chuckled and went to edit videos.

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