(YTN = your Twitter name)
1 week later
We all sat down and watched this very big moment happened.
Vikk walked up to the island and grabbed the jar, he smiled big and looked at the boys.
"In the beginning of the month, Jide made a bet with Simon. In the end, Simon has won, so everyone give a round of applause for Simon!" He shouted, everyone cheered as Vikk handed the money to him. He smiled big and kissed the jar
"Keys?" Everyone said in unison, JJ muttered curse words under his breath and gave the keys to Simon.
"It's brand new, so take care of it" Simon nodded to JJ. Simon looked at me and gave me a warm smile. I just put on a fake smiles and looked away. Everything been stressful. Leen is leaving for California today, worst part is no one is there to comfort me since she didn't tell anyone. She just going to leave
"You okay" he came to my side and sat next to me "I don't have to take it, but I'm keeping the Lamborghini" he shook the keys, I just chuckled slightly "Y/N, are you okay"
"Just keep the money Simon" I got up and left. I walked outside
"Hey, why did you leave Simon like that?" I turned and saw Madara
"Guys, were all officially happy everyone is now in a relationship, well except Leen- hey what's wrong" Miko frowned I shrugged
"I have a lot of stuff going on" I sat on the bench they had outside and pulled my phone out and scrolled through, I've been getting a bunch of hate, also 12 year old boys or every boy perving on me. I didn't think it would get to me since I'm not really his girlfriend
@SDMNGirl: eww Simon doesn't even look happy with her wtf?!?!?! Shes totally in it for the money #MINIMINTER BREAK UP
WITH Y/N @miniminter @Ytn@BasicBish: Simon you can do so much better!!!! #MINIMINTER BREAK UP
WITH Y/N @miniminter @Ytn@R0sie472: I'm going to be straight up, she's looks like a bitch probably is a bitch and sucks dick for a fucking living so back the fuck up @YTN #MINIMINTER BREAK UP
WITH Y/N @miniminter@MrVeryCool: Yo @YTN if nothing works out , you know where to find me ;) ;) #smash and dash miniminter girlfriend
@FOOTBALL4LYFE: HAVE YOU SEEN @miniminter GF FUCKEN SHIT RETWEET IF YOU SMASH AND DASH #smash and dash miniminter girlfriend
I tapped on the hashtag #MINIMINTER BREAK UP
4.2 million post with this hashtagI frowned and clicked on
#smash and dash miniminter girlfriend
2.3 million post with this hashtagIt was absolutely disgusting, this is just Twitter, I get hate or perved on everywhere I couldn't believe this, if I told my old self what I was doing and the situation I was in, I laugh at myself. My mom didn't raise me like this.
"I don't even know life anymore" I muttered quietly . Josh came out and noticed no emotion on my face. I looked up at him, and frowned
"Guys, or gals, can I talk to her alone?" He fiddled with his hands. The girls nodded and walked inside "Y/N what's wrong?" He whispered
"Josh, I can't do this anymore, the bet is over. Can't I just leave now" I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. I took a deep breath in "I don't know who I am, I don't know what I am... I'm a monster"
"Y/N, don't say stuff like that, your are far from that" he brought me into a hug
"What am I Josh?" I sobbed
"Your....Simon fake girlfriend" he whispered I sobbed even harder
"Oh gosh, Leen" I pulled away and wiped my eyes as I heard everyone yell 'Hey Leen.' Me and Josh rushed inside, I pulled my hood up so no one can see my res puffy eyes. "Leen!" I ran to her arms and hugged her tight "you can't leave" I whispered on the verge of tears
"Y/N" she pulled away and noticed mg red eyes
"Leaving?" Miko cocked an eyebrow. Leen took a deep breath and stuck her keys in her coat
"I'm leaving to America. Or California to be more specific" I felt tears fall down my face, I looked at Josh, his eyes were watery.
"Stop fucking lying" Celeste laughed. Everyone laughed along except me Josh and surprisingly Cal. Leen rolled her eyes
"Why I didn't want to tell anyone" she muttered she walked out and me and Josh followed "I don't wanna be late" she whispered as she closed the door "you know my Skype, you have my number and everything" she looked at both of us. We all hugged eachother one more time "Y/N" she smiled
"Yea?" I cried smiling,
"Do what's right" she rubbed my shoulder and walked away to her car.
"You do what's right and stay here!" I shouted as she got in her car
"I'm doing what's right for ME and leaving, So do what's right for YOU" she smiled and waved and drove off, I sobbed and turned to Josh
"What if I died? Would anyone care" I said out if the blue "I mean I am just Simon fake girlfriend"
"Y/N" me and Josh turned and saw Simon "what are you talking about?"

Fake Girlfriend « Miniminter X Reader »
Fanfictie"How much a date?" "Ugh, do I have to explain again! 15 dollars a video, 10 a picture and 10.50 if a fan gets a picture and 25 a date" "Sounds reasonable" "So yes?" "I love too" <> [Created August 19 2016]