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Y / N

I drove home, silently. He was a nice boy, once I parked my I car made my way to house. I opened the door to see my roommate's Miko covered in slop. I looked behind and saw my other friend Leen with a camera filming, laughing her ass off

"What happened" I frowned Leen laughed and shut the camera off.

"Miko pranked me the other day, so I got her back" Leen smiled I looked at Miko the slop covered her face

"She's mad,completely mad" she slowly walked to the restroom. I laughed those two nerds are youtubers. Miko is called HereitsMiko and Leen us called CluelessLeen. I met them at Wireless they were so cool.

"Was there a big mess?" I asked setting my keys down, I walked to my room and it was all over my wall "are you serious!" I groaned Leen laughed and went to grab towels, she bent down and cleaned the walls.

"How did your day go?" she got up and threw them in the hamper.

"It was nice" I jumped on my bed and laid down

"Who'd you meet?" She smirked

"He has a girlfriend, but he's nice his name is Josh"

"Zerkaa, sorry he like my one favorite gaming Youtubers. Every time I hear Josh I think of him" Miko joined in on the conversation, she sat down next to Leen.

"What's he look like?" I asked intrigued she grabbed her phone and pulled up his channel "hey, that him" I smiled

"No way!?" They both said in unison. They turned and laughed

"Proceed" Miko waved her hand at me I nodded

"Anyway, his friend Simon took the most stupidest bet ever and he need my help" they smiled

"Sounds cool, but Y/N Simon Minter is impossible,you need backup" Miko looked up from her phone

"Good luck finding people who are willing to help" Leen added winking horribly

"Do you two want to join?" They smiled

"We love to" they smiled we laughed

"Anyway,I'm, I mean were helping Josh, not Simon, I don't even know him I only know Josh" I argued

"You just met Josh today" Leen pointed at me.

"Whatever" they chuckled we talked some more but Josh called me "hold on" I held up my finger and answered

"Hello Y/N its me Josh"

"Josh, how are you?"

"I need advice"

"I already gave you advice"

"That wasn't good enough" he snapped

"Ooo someone's in trouble" Leen smiled at me I rolled my eyes and flipped her off.

"Well Josh, I barley know the boy, and from what I've seen and know he need to be outgoing" I plainly told him.

"Why don't you come over?!"

"I'm a human and I need sleep" I argued

"Tomorrow, I beg you" the girls smirked and motioned to them. I gave them a confused look, they sighed I pointed at eachother

"Oh, um fine but I have friends that need to interact with others, can they come" I smirked they flipped me off. He laughed

"Why not, I'll text you the address in the morning, thank you Y/N" he said and hung up.

"We meet people" Miko laughed

"Meet and greets don't count" I shot back

"BURN!" Leen yelled we stared at her plainly "go die in a whole" she stuck her tounge out and sat back down. I got bored and jumped right on her and Miko followed. "Ow" she laughed she rolled off the bed causing all us two to fall also. We laughed and got up.

"I need sleep" I smiled and laid on my bed

"Sleep is for the week" Miko yelled and hit me with a pillow.

"THIS IS WAR!" I shouted I grabbed a pillow and we fought to the death

"Fucken Miko, always starting war and shit,I won't be surprise if you start world war 3" Leen shook her head and watched us. We ended the war 5 minutes later, since were weak children.

"Bed time" Leen got up

"Piggy back ride" Miko shouted and jumped on her back "take me to my room you peasant!"

"I'm a peasant I have one more million subscribers that you" Leen smirked Miko jumped off

"Drink bleach" she muttered and walked to her room, I chuckled

"You guys are bad" Leen smirked

"Night Y/N" she smiled and walked out. I closed the door and went on my bed, I grabbed my laptop and looked up Josh YouTube channel. His videos were funny and very creative, then I noticed one with his friend Simon. Wigs.


The video was funny, I might add His friend does look good in a wig, and Josh, well he has some touching up to do. I giggled through out the whole video smiling these were two door knobs that loved playing there games and living life. Why would Simon take this bet? Why would Josh want to pay a girl to be Simon girlfriend.

"That not a bad idea" I muttered "what am I saying that horrible Y/N" I smacked my hand and chuckled. I would date him but he's not my type. I closed my laptop and plugged it in, then scrolled through Twitter

Josh Zerkaa had followed you

I followed back and decided to stalk him. Just random tweets and annocuments on New videos released. I scrolled through instagram,watched stories on snapchat and went through tumble reading one shots of (pick any fandom besides Sidemen) because I'm lonely and I ship (otp) so much. I finnaly felt slightly tired so I plugged my phone in and laid down, I stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes.

Leen and Miko seem lit, I want to be there friends


I didn't know how to end that sorry if this sucked, I needed to introduce my new characters , also if you want to be in it. Message me anyway school has started for me :( I want to die ,my classes are so far apart. Anyway it will be hard for me to update. I love updating everyday but due to homework and sports it may be hard, so I will try to post more than once a week. Let me know what you think because feed back is very appropriated..ALSO THANK YOU KSIdemen FOR MY BEUTIFUL COVER OK BYE

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