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Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to come home in the future to a new house after work or college or an audition, and have someone at home who has been waiting for you so you could go to the movies or go grocery shopping together.

Or maybe they're curled up on the couch watching something when you come home, exhausted. And they smile at you and tell you leftovers are in the fridge, or get up to make popcorn for the both of you

It doesn't have to be your partner. Maybe just a dear friend who is your roommate. At least someone that you have a connection with who you can be all domestic with and have a whole routine for the both of you, and little traditions and quiet birthdays of sleeping in and pampering and a big dinner. Someone who you can just be around without saying a word, except in passing.

Dividing chores, making tea or coffee for each other, making kitchen disasters, being sluggish in the morning or getting up early to exercise, dancing in the rain outside, being scared at night and jumping into the other's bed to sleep next to them, shoes strewn around, clashing styles of home decor, clothes everywhere or neatly in closets, deciding who kills the bug, toothpaste on the sink, makeup bags, intimate talks, laughing with each other for no reason, ranting to one another, being weird, being affectionate, being angry and giving the silent treatment. I want it all.

Of course, you won't be able to run around naked....

Well, maybe you will.

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