She sat shaking, hunched over him as if to shield him from the world. But there wasn't anything worth protecting him from.
She was sniffling, sobbing. Every breath held the word no on her lips. I could hear it. Her hands were trembling, roving over his face and chest; desperately trying to find life, hoping against hope for him to respond. She was broken, her lips and cheeks wet with snot and tears, a look of anguish on her face.
A paramedic came and pulled her away from the body, and she struggled, screaming and sobbing. That was her brother, they couldn't just take him away from her, she cried.
When they took him away, you could see in her eyes that she had lost it. "It" might have been her brother, her will to live, her happiness. But it had left her.
And she lay crumpled on the floor, near where the boy had lain. Just crying. No one dared bother her anymore. A woman simply laid a blanket around her shoulders. It made the girl cry even more.