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Hey guys! This is my first actual story so it won't be as good as others but ohwell! (Btw Josh looks sooooooo cute in that filter)
"SIMON, ARE YOU READY YET?!" Josh shouted as he got me out of my day dream.

"Uh yeah i'll be two minutes." I reply back.

I was meant to be doing a video with him as soon as Freya came over so she could help record since all of the other guys weren't home and out partying or something like that.

I hated when she came over and helped out, all I wanted was for Josh and I to be on our own, not with this bitch interfering with our friendship.
I don't know why I felt like this towards her but I'd always act a bit cold when she was around and I think Josh started to notice it more and more. Anyway, enough of my ranting, I should go down stairs now and do the video.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Josh and Freya kissing whilst sitting on the black couch, I sighed slightly wishing that could be me.

I cleared my throat to let them know I was there. As I did so, they jumped slightly and stood up from the couch

"Finally, you're ready!" Josh exclaims. "Okay Freya, could you please start recording once Simon sits down?"

Freya nodded as her eyes drifted on me, I squint my eyes and cheekily smile at her, then going back to a straight face as I start walking towards the couch, I can feel her giving me a cold expression as I sit down, we both look at Josh giving him a signal that we were ready.
"Um o-okay" Josh stutters confusingly. "Start recording in 3..2..1. Hey guys and welcome back-"

'Fucking bitch' I think to myself 'why does Josh have to have a girlfriend, why can't he be with m- whoa Simon, why are you so jealous? It's not like I'm in love with Josh or anythi-' My day dream gets interrupted by Josh saying my name.
"Helllloooooooo...Earth to Simon!" I could hear Josh getting a little bit annoyed since he had no video to upload today but that wasn't my fault.
"Siiiiiiimmmmmooooonnnnn" Josh said my again but a little bit louder this time, I kind of liked it when Josh said my name, I felt...special.
I waited a little longer until I answered but then Freya started to try and get my attention.
She started snapping her fingers in front of me and sighing heavily like a little bitch.
Freya got more annoyed and then began shouting my name
"SIMON ARE YOU HER-" I interrupted her since I didn't really want to hear her irritating voice.

"YES HELLO I'M HEERRREEE!" I shouted a bit pissy so she could easily tell I was annoyed.

Freya and I got into an argument which ended me stomping out of the room and locking myself in my bedroom.
Ugh she made me so angry but she always won in the end, maybe it was because I didn't want Josh to get more upset so I let her win sometimes, I don't know why but I'd always get a small tingly feeling every time I talked to Josh. Every time Freya and Josh did something romantic like hold hands or kiss I'd always wish I was the one kissing Josh but I knew it couldn't happen...I wasn't gay, well from what I knew I wasn't and he of course wasn't either but maybe JUST maybe I was and I didn't want to accept it....I think I was I love with Josh.

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