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Simon's POV
I'm sitting in my room, recording videos and checking my social media until...Josh walks in and I stop what I'm doing,
What does HE want?
I wonder to myself,

"Hey Simon, you busy?"

I kind of hoped I was busy, I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. Especially him.

"Uh, no"
I had to say something. Plus, what DOES he want?

"Okay, good"
"I kind of need to talk to you..." he pauses, then adds on,

He said seriously. I wanted to laugh to lighten up the mood but no...he was dead ass serious.

I speak up.

"Mate, you look bare serious. What's up, man?"

He took a deep breath in and he muttered something underneath his breath.

"What?" I say, replying to his mutter.

"I said.."
Once again, he muttered. It was slightly annoying.

"Mate, what do you want to say?"

Once again, he muttered but he spoke up slightly, it still wasn't hearable.

"Josh, honestly. Just say it! Stop mutterin-"

"YOU AND I KISSED......didn't we?"

Wha..? How does he......know?

I was speechless, he knows. But how?

"Wait, what did you just say?" My mind couldn't process on what he just said.

"We...kissed. I remember from the time I got drunk, we did, right? I wasn't dreaming?"

I hesitate for a moment,

"Y-y-*sigh* yeah, we did."

A couple of minutes pass and the look on his face...wasn't actually bad. He seemed so nonchalant about it.

He finally spoke.
"Oh, okay. That's fine"

What? That's it.

He started to walk out of my room, so casual, what is going on with him?

"Whoa wait, that's it? Can't we talk about it?"

He turned around, back to me.

"Simon, do you like me?"

"What? Josh, let's not change the subje-"


I sighed, something about his question made me feel like I had to answer.

"I mean...I-I"

I sigh slightly, and once again, as always. Ugh fuck it

I looked down at my feet in shame, hoping he doesn't run out of the room. Instead, I was being embraced by him. I smiled at this, I thought he would be annoyed or angry.

He let go after a couple of seconds and smiled at me,

"Yo-you're not annoyed?"
I managed to speak up.

"What? No, of course not. To be honest, from the things I remember..."

Josh then leans in, extremely closely and whispers,

"It looked kind of hot"

I could feel my face go red from embarrassment, he of course acknowledged this and giggled slightly.  I then felt lips against my cheek. kissing me!? It thought to myself how could this be?!

I was so shocked, I couldn't do anything, like a was paralysed or something.  He looks up at me and smiles.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" He says so casually.

"Uh-uh y-yeah"

He then walked out of my room.

Still smiling.

AHHHHHHH I am really excited for the next chapters and I really hope this was good! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (sorry it's sooooooo short) wait for the next one, BYEEEEEE.

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