Guess who's back..?

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Woahhhhh, what has happened? I'm here? I'm back? After all these months! So many notifications!! But I'm sooooooo sorry guys! I will really try this time! I was really busy and i'll be honest, I forgot about the app. I really don't focus that well, I really apologise but now, I'm on a break at the moment so I can get more stuff don't and now I'm bored so writing chapters won't be a problem for me. I'm definitely doing it this time, promise!! Btw I love your comments, they make me laugh. It makes me so happy that you actually like the things that I write and jeeeessus, my MiniZerk book did so well and I'm so happy that it did!! I really want to try this time so please make sure to give me ideas so I don't run out and it becomes this whole mess where I forget about the app and don't return for ages (So so so so so sorry about that btw).

ALSO: if you guys ever get bored of me just doing Sidemen, please mention some other things I could do! So I can have a whole range of people reading different things and make them happy! (Ya'll like Chris Pratt? I love him a bit too much lmao. That would be a good idea to do though).

Anyway, his was just an update on what has happened (well, when I say update, I mean apology). I really hope you guys had a great New year and Christmas, if not celebrated, I hope you had a great holiday!

I will see you soon. BYEEEEEE.

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