Are you okay?

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Josh's POV
I woke up to hear my phone vibrating like mad, ugh it's just my alarm, time to record some videos.
Still half asleep, I reach out to my phone to stop the rebarbative vibration, finally I say to myself.
I slowly climb out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe, picking out a SDMN t-shirt and some jogging bottoms.
Since it was still quite early, I decided to actually have breakfast for once so, I came out of my bedroom and started to walk downstairs to the kitchen. I wasn't expecting anyone to be up but I see Simon sitting down on one of the stools, looking rather...lifeless and tired. Strange, he was the first one to go to bed.

I walk in and go to the cupboard to see if anything was there, why is he being so quite? He's normally the one to start off the conversation.
Fine then.
I finally break the silence, "Hey mate, what are you doing up so early? It's 8:30."

He looks up at me, "Couldn't sleep" "Also, hungry" he added.

"Ah right, I'm just getting something to eat too. You got videos to record too as well I'm guessing?"

He nodded slightly in my direction so he wasn't completely ignoring me. He seemed off, not talking much, no jokes, nothing, is he okay?

I get the balls to ask him.

"Simon, you alright mate?"

He sighs a little, "yeah, I'm fine"
I don't even believe that for a
"You sure? You don't look okay."

"I'm fine, Josh."

"Well, you never act like this, something's up."

"I said...I'm fine."

He then adds on,

"Josh, just drop it" he sounded a bit annoyed now, this was probably a stupid idea but I went up to him, and asked him again, whilst putting my hand on his back for comfort,  "Simon, I'm your best friend, you can tell m-"

I stumble back a bit, slightly shocked, he never shouts.

He was looking at me. Eye contact. Everything, he looked like he was going to snap. To cry. To just let it all out.

Instead. He took a deep breath, "I'm fine, now please just...just get some food alone"

"Yeah, okay" I mumble out whilst grabbing a snack from the fridge,

"but just so you know I'm always-"

he looked away from me, slouching slightly to show that he wasn't listening.
I sigh slightly.


I say before walking out and walking up stairs.
Vikk came out of his room, looking tired,
he probably just woke up.

"Yo Josh, did I just hear Simon shout? Is he alright?"

I shook my head and sighed,
"I don't know, he's...not right"

He replied with,
"what'd you mean 'not right'"

he carried on. "Has something happened?"

"I don't know and he won't tell me, I should speak to him, he seems to trust you more."

Vikk frowned a little,
"Yeah, okay. I'll talk to him soon"

"Okay, thanks Vikk"

"No problem"

I walked into my room and sat on my chair, what the hell just happened? Have I upset him? Has he...done something?

All these questions but no answers. I look at my phone to see a text from Freya, I instantly put a smile on my face.

Freya: Good morning Josh! Is it okay if I come over?  Round about 2:00? I want to see you! Xxx

I want Freya to come around, maybe she'll keep my mind off of this.

Josh: Good morning! Yeah of course you can! I really want to see you too. Xx

Freya is typing...

Freya: Awesome! Can't wait. Love you xxx

Josh: Love you too. Xx

I'm now looking forward to something, but that now means I have limited time to record and edit videos, shit, better be quick.

Hopefully Simon is happier soon, it's probably just because it's early.

Hey guys!!!! Sorry that the story is moving kind of slow BUT! It will hopefully move a lot more faster! I'll see you in the next one! BYEEEEEE.

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