Kiss and tell

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Simon's POV
What.the. fuck.just.happened?
Did Josh just...?

Confusion and happiness went through my mind, I couldn't think straight. It was so over-whelming.
I look at my watch, 2:00AM?! I better get to sleep.
Whilst hoping into bed I just realised that I planned to come out to the guys tomorrow, holy shit. My heart starts to race and I start sweating slightly, nerves taking over me.

Am I really going to do this? Yeah, I'm actually going t- wait a minute, I thought to myself, did I just completely forget about the whole Josh thing that happened about 5 minute ago?

So much emotions were rushing through my body. Confusion. Nervousness. Happiness and many more of them. It was so much to take in at that moment.
I smiled to myself, since that kiss I felt more...confident? Maybe they WILL accept me, there is no doubt that they won't.

Also, does me? It was a confusing situation but Josh showed that he liked me...even more that...Freya?!
I chuckle to myself,
That's a win in my book.

I close my eyes while I think of the good things that are going to happen to me tomorrow.

Josh's POV
What.the.fuck...just happened?
I kissed Simon?! H-how? I I like him? Of course you do, you idiot! But he might not like me back. Does he even like me like that? Why did I do that? Wait?! When did I even start liking him?

I was shocked and confused with myself, how did I even manage to do that without crumbling?
I have to tell someone!

A person popped into my head, there is only one person here I trust with a secret like this...Vikk. Even though I have known Tobi for the longest but I've never been in this situation before and I only know one person who has good advice (No offended Tobi).

I called myself down and went to Vikk's door. I knocked and I heard Vikk say
"Come in!"

I walked into Vikk's room, seeing him on his chair, looking through Twitter on his phone.

"Hey Josh! What's up?"

"Hey, umm..."
"I kind of need to tell you something."

Vikk looked up from his phone, looking at my face. He realised this was serious so he turned off his phone and placed it on his desk,

"Yeah sure, what's up? You can tell me."


I sat down on his bed and I took a deep breath.

"Well...I umm..."

Vikk waited in anticipation.

Fuck it

"I just kissed Simon"

YES, JOSH IS FINALLY LOVING HIM! But he's still with Freya 0•0 (sorry it's short!) I hope you enjoyed it still! I will see you next time BYEEEEE.

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