The plan

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Vikk's POV
I'm so glad Simon finally told me these things, I'm so proud him. It takes guts to say who you really are.

Whilst walking up the stairs, Josh comes out, "Hey Vikk, how'd it go? Is he okay? What's happened?"

I couldn't tell him, I couldn't break Simon's promise,

"Oh he's just... a bit stressed out and the comments don't help out his situation, that's all"

Josh hesitates for a minute, "oh...right, okay, is he okay now?"

I reply, "yes. He's fine now, he just needed to have a talk"

Josh smiles slightly,
"Okay, good. That's good."

"Yeah" I say whilst nodding my head and walking towards my bedroom door.

"Oh and Vikk?" Josh adds on,
"Just a heads up um, Freya is coming over in a couple of hours, ya know just to hang out"

Oh no...Simon.

"Oh okay, that's fine. Do you know what time at?"

"Uh yeah, round about 2:00, why?"

"Oh, just wondering."

After that, Josh walks back into his bedroom. Closing the door.

2:00?! I need to get Simon out of the house when Freya is here. He doesn't need this. I legit just made him feel better, I need a plan. Plus, I don't even like Freya, so I'm also doing myself a favour.

*Time skip to 1:50*

Simon's POV
I just finished recording a FIFA video for my main channel. I'll be honest, I did pretty well in every match but one person raged quit the game which made me laugh. I placed my headset and controller down onto the floor, next to my TV.
I suddenly heard a knock at the door, it was Vikk.
Doesn't he need to record? Is he finished? Already? Surely not.

"Yo Vikk, what's up? Aren't you recording videos?"

Vikk hesitated for a minute,
"Oh uh, yeah, I'm finished."

He quickly added on,
"But hey, um I was wondering do you wanna go to the movies and see a film? Then go to Nando's or something?"

"Yeah, sure" I agreed, "But why the sudden plan? Are you that desperate to get out of the house?" I chuckled a bit.

"Nah mate, just fancied going."

He seemed quite serious, normally he'd chuckle at those type of things, I'm probably over thinking it.

"Ah okay, when do you wanna go?"

"Uhhhh.." Vikk quickly looked at his watch. His eyes widened and looked slightly worried.

"Right now."

"What? I'm not even ready." I laugh a little at this but Vikk was so serious.

"Well, get your Jacket and shoes on, we're going...NOW"

Something was up with Vikk, he was never that keen to get out of the house.

"Vikk, you alright mate? You look bare serious."

"Oh um, yeah I'm great!" Vikk started jumping up and down, like an excited dog.

"I'm just happy we get to spend time with each other!"

I was a bit confused by this,
"Mate, we literally live in the same house together, we can hang out when ever we want, it's a bit rare when we don't hang out with eacho-"

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