The wake up

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*11:00 Am*
Simon's POV
I all of a sudden woke up and realising what happened last night. We...kissed I thought to myself Surely it was a dream.
If it was a dream, surely it wouldn't feel so...real, was it a dream?
I slowly get up and suddenly see another man on my bed, lying next to me. It was Josh.
Holy shit, I say to myself.  It WAS real, oh my fucking god.
I slowly carve a grin onto my face, I was so happy. Josh Was lying next me.
I then suddenly got a strong smell of alcohol off of him, it was awful but I couldn't help but stare into Josh's figure, realising that he loved me and that thought made me so happy.
I shook out of my day dream and looked at my watch 11:10?!? Fuck! I was recording with Vikk and Ethan soon, and I wasn't even ready!

I got up and got changed into new clothes. I was going to wake up Josh but then I realised he was probably going to be hungover so I didn't want to bother him. I started to stare at him again, I couldn't resist it anymore so I went up to him and kissed him in the forehead whispering "I love you, Josh"
Then I left, leaving him be.
Why is he so special to me?

WHAT UUUUUUUUPPPPPP?!? Long time no seeeeeee!
I'm sorry I was inactive, I have weird times where I come off of Social media for a long time I don't know why, BUT! This doesn't mean i'll be uploaded every third day again, I will update but every so often. Sorry this one is bad, i'll try and get back I tot the swing of things, anyway I'll see ya sooooonn!

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