Getting what you want

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(AUTHOR NOTE: hope you enjoy and also ^^^^ cute,cute,cute!!😂 He could be a model!)

Vikk's POV
"I just kissed Simon"

What? Oh my god!


"I know I know! But I think I have feelings for him, Vikk! I-I just."

He stopped for a minute, then carried on.

"I know I shouldn't have done it. I know I'm with Freya but it...felt right, in a way."

I looked at Josh, he was g joking around, this was serious.
I really didn't know what to say. I kind of felt disappointed, he is going to stir up Simon's emotions, he's still with Freya!

I finally said something,

"Josh mate, I mean, it makes sense when you're drunk but you did it again, sober! You're. still.with.Frey!..I mean he likes you and all but you can't play with his feeli-"

"He..likes me?"

Fuck, did I just spill that?

"Uhhhh I..."

I might as well just tell him.

"Yeah, okay! Simon likes you. You know you? He loves and you just ignore him. He asks me for help!"

I was expecting Josh to say something back, but he just stared at me. For some reason, my stupid mouth didn't keep closed, I started to speak again,

"You want to know something else? Huh? Do you remember that time Simon was sitting in the kitchen and he didn't really talk to you?"

Once again, he didn't say anything. He just nodded,

"Yeah, well. He was upset about the comments calling him 'gay' and telling him to commit suicide! But he was also upset over you. How Freya treating all of us without you even noticing!"

He spoke up,
"She-she was nice to m-"

I butted in like a stupid dick head,

"Maybe to you! But not to us. She called him a freak! He...he cut himself again, Josh"

Josh jolted up at me, looking shocked but I could also see sympathy in his eyes.


"The night before he was in the kitchen, he did it. I'm surprised you haven't been suspicious on why he's wearing longer sleeves t-shirts."

"I-it did s-seem odd."

"He loves you Josh, and...and I can tell you love him back"

Josh's POV
He...cut himself?! I feel fucking awful, he...he doesn't deserve all of the shit he gets, I feel like I could've stopped that.

I spoke up,

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know, I wish Simon could speak to me"

Vikk replied,

"He can! You just...need to be around him more. Make him feel like he can tell you anything"

I didn't know what to think, I loved Simon but I still loved Freya.

"Come on Josh, I mean Freya is nice but is she really the 'one' if she treats your friends like that?"

Vikk had good points but I wasn't sure, I started to develop feeling for Simon yes but, I don't know.

"I know, Vikk. But I just don't know, I mean-"

"No Josh! I- I know you can't make up your mind instantly but you won't always have this opportunity. Just...just think about it"

I nodded still with my head down, I headed towards the door.

"Thanks Vikk. Thanks for telling me this"

He looked at me and smirked

"Hey, no problem, Josh."

I smiled and walked out.

Simon's POV
it's been about 3 hours since Josh kissed me, I'm starting to have second thoughts,

Does he even like me?
Does he regret it?
Will it be awkward?

Thoughts, running through my head.
I shake them away, do not over think Simon, do not over think.

I went back to my editing when I heard a knock at the door.

"Josh. Uh, hey!"

Damn! I sounded to excited, I just couldn't help it.

He was silent, he didn't say anything.

It felt like for hours, but it was only a couple of second until he said something,

"I broke up with Freya, Simon."

Oh fuck.

"Oh man, I'm sorry Josh. You deserve better, but if you need any support I am here for y-"

"I chose you, Simon"

I was interrupted by Josh and his lips smashing into mine. My eyes widened but I couldn't hold back, I kissed him back.
We kissed for a couple of seconds and then we stepped back form each other.

Josh started to speak whilst having his hands on my shoulders,

"I love you, Simon and I think...I think I always have."

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I lot you too Josh."

We embraced each other with a huge. I then realised that I was planning to tell everyone I was gay today.

"Hey, josh?"


"Is it possible that we could bring the hold group over?"

"Yeah of course we can, why?"

"I'm gonna tell them I'm gay."

Josh looked at me with such a happy expression, like he just won the lottery.

"Simon, that's great!! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Josh."

"You wanna text them now?"

He said whilst putting out his hand, a sign for me to hold it.
I held his hand and smiled.

"We can do it later, let's go to Nando's. I'm starving."

We both laughed. Josh nodded and we got ready to go out.

HEY GUYS! Ahhhhh I've been waiting for this moment!!! I honestly think this is a good ending for it. Unless you guys want to see something else?!? Or!?! Please comment on what you want, and if I do another book, what should I do it about?! Leave ideas!! Well, that's if for now. I hope you enjoyed!! BYEEEEEE!

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