The end..?

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*2 years later*
Simon's POV

I came out to the guys when I was finally official with Josh, they all...supported me, which I of course hoped. I have now been together with Josh for about 1 and half years, if not a little bit more.

I decided to stop my YouTube channel as it wasn't going anywhere and i just wanted nothing more than to play for a football team, which I actually got into.

*1 year later*

Josh and I got engaged and I couldn't be more happier. It does feel weird that I'm getting older and older but it also feels good since I'm with the people I love.

The Sidemen aren't a thing anymore but we all still hang out and some of us still live together.  Vikk also stopped his channels and became a pianist, he seems more happier than he ever has been.

Happy ever afters do come true, I guess.

*2 months later*

Josh and I have had...some arguments for the past 2 months and it has really shown me what he is really like...maybe it was a bad choice him? Surely not, it's just little arguments. We haven't talked for a couple of days. It really has gotten to me but I will just apologise and make up for it.

*3 months later*

We had an argument again, wasn't good. We really chewed at each other and it got so bad that he left, he left and he hasn't came back for a week, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem.  I didn't mean for this to happen it just...I don't know, Vikk keeps reassuring me and saying it's going to be alright but, I seriously don't know this time. I mean, I've never doubted Vikk but I really don't think it'll be alright.

*1 week later*

Josh was in a car idiot with a van sped down a road and smashed straight into Josh and flew him off nearby cliff...he has broken several bones and there is bleeding in the brain and the doctors don't know if he'll make through the pain, he is in a coma right now and I'm just praying for the moment.

*1 week later*

Josh didn't come out of his coma. The doctors told me he wasn't going to make it and they had to take him off life support. I told them to wait longer but they refused, they tried their best...nothing could have been done. They took him off and he died instantly.  We are having a funeral in a couple of days...i can't believe this is real.

*a couple of weeks later*

We had the funeral, I put his favourite type of flowers on his coffin..everyone was there. Jj, Ethan, Vikk, everyone. I hated how everything ended with us, I hated it so much.
The last think I said to was,

"I never want to see you again"

I never knew his life would be gone so quickly, no one ever knows, and that's scary.
You'll think it's a happy ending, but happy ending aren't always true.


Hopefully that was good?!? Maybe?!? I don't know, I didn't want to drag out the ending so I made it like this! If you guys want me to do another book I'd happy do another one! Tell me what to right or what it'll be based on and i'll right it!! Thank you so much for the people that have came along for the ride, I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully i'll be making another book and i'll hopefully see you then. GOOBYEE!

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