Making up?

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*Josh's POV*
I wake up with a sudden throbbing headache.
Ah fuck!
It felt like I was going to throw up my lungs, but then again, it's my fault for drinking in the first place.
I push myself up slowly to try and make myself feel less nauseous, I then realise where I am.
Simon's room? When did I get in here?
I don't remember a thing from last night, did I even do anything bad? I hope not.
I feel a buzzing vibration coming from my pocket, it's obviously my phone and obviously someone is texting me, so I try and get my phone with little movement as possible (from the sick feeling).

It's Freya
What does she want? I thought she was done with me?

I unlock my phone and I see her text;

Freya: Hey Josh I'm really sorry for what happened, the whole fight was about stupid things and I shouldn't of said those thing, I just wish we would spend time together, it just got out of hand, can we talk about it plz? Or meet, I want to talk things over. Xx

I of course being stupid enough, I text her back straight away;

Josh: Hey, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't of slapped you, that was fucked up, I had no right to and I never should have the right, I'm so sorry, I was just angry. yeah, I would love to meet up. I want to talk. X

Freya is typing...

Freya:  It's okay, I shouldn't have the right to shout out you, I need to be more patient. Please, can we talk at the nearest Starbucks to you, 5:30? Is that okay? Xx

Josh: That's perfect, no problem. X

Freya: okay, see you there! Xx

I put my phone back in my pocket and look at my watch 3:40 I have enough time to eat and get ready..good.
I'm so fucking excited, I finally get to talk to her. Yes, YES.

I'm so sorry for being away for so long, I'm going up a year at school and damn I have a load of shit to do BUTTT I honestly think I've gotten better at writing, I'm using different words and different punctuation, I don't know, maybe? I will try and put out a new one of these in a couple of weeks, I'm sorry, it's either I always lose interest or I just forget but anyway it's quite late so I'm going to go now, love ya, BYEEEE!

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