Don't go back

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*Hints of self harm*

Simon's POV
I was with the JJ and Vikk downstairs watching TV, I'm just trying to keep my mind off Josh and the texts I saw earlier. I actually thought it was working, I was having a laugh with JJ, talking to Vikk about life and it was actually quite nice, until I heard the front door open. It was Josh. He came into the living room, greeting us and sitting down. He had a big smile carved into his face, like he just won the lottery.
Vikk turned his attention to Josh.
"What are you so happy about?" Vikk asked.

Josh jokingly replied with "Well, since you're so keen to know. Freya and I are back together!"

"Really?!" Vikk and JJ said in unison.

"That's great Josh, congrats!" JJ cheered.

Josh looked at me and I faked a smile onto my face, slightly patting him on the shoulder.

"Hey Simon?" Josh said, breaking the little silence.

"Yeah?" I croak out.

"Have you seen my phone anymore? I don't remember actually taking it with him" he asked as he tapped his head with his finger making a 'I'm stupid' sign.

His phone. The messages. All coming back to me. I know it's stupid but, I'm so bothered by it, it's so fucking annoying he's going back with...her.

"Yeah, my room" I tried to keep my sentences short since I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, or just be around him for hat matter.

"Okay, be back in a minute"

"Okay" they all said, once again in unison.

Vikk turned around to me, "Simon, are you okay?" He sounded so concerned. Vikk was such a good friend, he really cared about the people around him.

I answered back,
"Yeah, I'm fine, tired probably"

"Okay then, but you do you can come and talk to me when something's up, right?" He gently placed his hand on my back.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you."

"No problem, you're my best friend, why wouldn't I help out."
I gave him a warm smile and so he drew his attention back to the TV which JJ kept flicking threw the channels, finding nothing to watch.

Josh finally came back down and sat in his chair, slouching a couple of minutes later. I tried to ignore him but his phone started to vibrate, someone texted him. I looked at him slightly to make it look like I was still watching TV. He unlocked his phone and started looking at the text he received, he was smiling at it. Freya.

This made my chest hurt and ache just by looking at him, smiling at the text. I couldn't take it, I had to go upstairs, try and sleep maybe.
I spontaneously stood up and started to walk out the room when I heard Josh say,
"Woah, where are you going?"

"Upstairs, I'm tired" I sighed a little but not too loud.

"Okay then, see you in the morning" he replied back.

I didn't answer, I didn't even look back. I just started to walk up the stairs, into my room and into my bed.
I don't understand why I was so hurt, yeah I loved him but I needed to move on, he has Freya now. Plus, he's straight and doesn't even remember the kiss we had, it was pointless. Stupid. Worthless. I was desperate to do something. Something, I haven't done in so long, but I was hurt, and I needed to get it out, somehow. No i think to myself I'm better than this, I'm more stronger than this, don't go back to your old ways.
I take a deep breath and calm down, like I said, I'm just tired and I. NEED. Sleep.

HEY GUYS!! Sorry nothing really happened in this one but I'm thinking of ideas for the next, if you have anything, comment it, i'll put in as much as I can!! I wonder what he meant by, old ways?!? Yes, I'm sorry but don't worry, i'll hopefully not make it graphic, if I do, sowwwwyyyyyy. Anyway, I'm gonna go now sooooo BUEEE!!

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