I love her...

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Hours have went past and Josh is still locked in his room, why is he so sad over a girl? He could find another one just like him or maybe even...have me? Ugh I probably shouldn't talk much since I've never had a serious relationship so I don't know how it is.
Fuck it. I finally had the courage to go to Josh's room and knock on his door.
*Knock knock*

"Hey Josh" I calmly say
"Are you ok-"
I was cut off by Josh opening the door, something wasn't right though..he was all cheery for some reason..?

"Hello Simon!" He happily replied,
"What's up?"

He was acting like nothing happened but you could just tell that he was...too happy, like he was trying to cover it up. I hated when he did this since I could never tell if he was okay or not,

"Umm a..are y..ou okay?" I began to stutter words for some reason, like I was scared but I knew I wasn't.

"I'm doing great! Why are here? You need something?"

Did he just forgot what happened? I want to remind him but he might get upset,
Ugh fuck it, I thought to myself,

"How are great? Did you forget what just happened with F..Fr..Freya?" I instantly regretted saying that sentence

There was no reply from him, he just went frozen like he'd seen a ghost, tears started to pour out of his eyes and then finally he broke down,

"I miss her so much already Si"
He was sobbing between every word he said, I tried to reassure him,
"It's okay Josh, you'll find someone el-

Ouch...Fucking ouch

Them words broke me inside...I loved him so much and that dream with me being with him has fallen down,

"Oh, well...shouldn't you try and get her back"
I tried to sound persuasive with everyone I had but secretly I was dying inside

"It's too late now Simon, it's far too late..." He began to break down even more now, I couldn't do anything, I hated Josh being this sad but I couldn't help but almost cry as well

He loved her and only loved her....

HI GUYS!! I'm sorry that was really bad it was kind of rushed since I'm now back at school I have homework and all that blah blah blah, I really wanted a chapter out for so I hope his was okay it will be better next time!! BYEEEEE

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