Heart break

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Simon's POV
I had finally finished recording with Vikk and Ethan. Holy shit, I thought, It's 5:20 already,  Josh must've woken up by now.
All of the memories from last night made me carve a smile into my face. I wonder how Josh feels, does he even know? No time for that, I've got to get home.

When I walked through the door I started to shout up the stairs:

"Josh! You awake yet?"

A couple of seconds later I see Josh walking out of his room all dressed, jacket on... and shoes on..?

"Where you off to? I don't remember you saying you had plans?" I asked Josh.

Josh started to hesitate.
"Oh uh- yeah, last minute plans, gonna be late so I better go."

"Oh oka-"
I was cut off by Josh abruptly leaving, why is he being so weird about it? It's just plans.
I brush it off and start walking upstairs to my room, still smiling about the kiss. I sit on my chair and start daydreaming about Josh and I's future, if we ever get one of course.
I suddenly hear a buzzing sound coming from my bedside table, I look around to see a phone, not my phone.
Josh's phone...
I hate being nosey but my curiosity got the better of me so I walk over, sit on my bed and pick up Josh's phone. Josh never forgets his phone, he REALLY must've been in a rush.

I look at the message he's been sent.

It's from Freya...
Freya: Hey Josh, I'm almost there! I know we just texted each other like 5 minutes ago but I just wanted to say I'm right around the corner from the Starbucks near u. Can't wait to see u!  Love you! Xx

He's meeting Freya...freya?!? I scroll through their newest texts, he's been talking her when I was gone? Are they a couple again? When I look at the texts I always see 'I love you' at the end. I could feel my heart breaking and hurting like it's just been thrown off a brick wall and landing with a hard thump.

My questions have been answered now, he never knew we kissed. I now know what it feels like for my heart to be broken.

HEY GUYS!!! I know I know, it wasn't that good and it could've been more sadder but at least I published a piece earlier than normal?! Right?! Anyway I hope you enjoyed and maybe share my story around, we need to share that MiniZerk love! We all need it! Anyway, i'll see you soon, BYEEEE!!

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