Chapter Ten

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He is coming.

I'm laying down in the middle of a meadow, twilight beaming down on me as I stared up at the glittering sky. I was in a dress, Greek style.  It's white sleek layers flailed out freely, outlining the curve of my body as I lay there. There was a red rose in my hand. I gingerly played with it, being careful not to prick my finger.

He is coming!

A spidery whisper trickled across my senses. I sat up; the sense of danger crept down my spine. I slowly stood up, my rose slipping from my grasp and slicing through the soft flesh on my fingers before it fell on the ground, it's pedals scattered around it on impact. I slowly brought my hand up to inspect the damage. My silver blood bubbling up and slowly dripping down my digits. My yellow eyes narrowed, the danger rising. I became overwhelmed in the feeling as it constricted my lungs. My muscles tensed, prepared for the worst.

"Run." A female voice hissed in my ear, I felt the need to follow her command. Her voice seemed familiar, entrancing. Without hesitation I did as I was told. My muscles were prepared for it, my lungs had prepared themselves for the run. It was as if my senses were heightened; I could hear the twigs under my feet snap and the dying and decayed leaves that littered the floor crumble. The smell of the meadow intertwined with the scent of the darkened forest. Strange how it was just twilight in the meadow and now it was night time in this forest. Only the full moon gave me light. I did my best to push away the branches from my way, only to get scratched. My dress began to catch on the roots and bushes I had to sprint through, causing the fabric to tear. I winced as the thorns from the bushes dug deeply into my flesh.

In all honesty I wasn't looking where I was going. I had heard a tree branch snap behind me and I peered back. I didn't look straight ahead again until it was too late. With a grunt I collided into a warm, hard wall and fell onto my backside. I propped myself up onto my elbows and looked to see what I had run into. My blood turned cold instantly. Standing above me was a tall figure, his darkened disheveled hair masking most of his facial features from me. He wore a deranged grin that went from ear to ear. The moonlight that shined down from him like a spot light only accentuated the mass of his muscles. He wore a black tank top and jeans, his feet were bare and dirtied with mud from the ground. He cocked his head slightly, his hair giving way and allowing me to view his sea blue eyes. The wild in them struck terror into my soul and I stood up. I couldn't break his gaze.

He let out a burst of wild laughter, hunching his shoulder and dipping his head, his hands covering his face now. I began to back away slowly. I had only made it about three steps back until my foot connected with a twig and broke it. I froze, watching his head snap up and his fists clenching into tight balls.

"I finally found you," his voice was deep and ragged. I kept quiet, my jaw clenching. I wasn't going to get away from him without a fight. "You are a very hard girl to find, you know that? Not very fitting for a claimed woman. Don't you remember what I said?"

I swallowed nervously, taking a step back as he stepped forward.

"You are mine. I'm coming for you."

With a quick jolt I took off. Not knowing if he was behind me or not. All I had known was that I needed to run.

     I shot up, my breathing ragged and my forehead covered in cold sweat

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     I shot up, my breathing ragged and my forehead covered in cold sweat. My hair stuck to my face and I was practically shaking by the rush of adrenaline that was seeping though my core. It felt like it was actually happening to me, my legs were even sore as if I had actually been running.

With a yawn I swing my heavy and tired legs over the side of my bed, my bare feet brushing over the cold hard surface of the room. I needed a shower so I could wash off all of the sweat. Last night didn't go as I had expected it to. By the time I had gotten into my pajamas and had gone down stairs I discovered Ren was missing and a note was placed on the coffee table. He had placed a bowl of popcorn on the table as well as some chocolates and other various candies. Apparently business had came up and he needed to leave. He apologized sincerely and said he would be home later on that night. I shrugged it off, no point in being mad at a man who has always lived for his work. Besides, I was used to being alone.

My stomach growled and struck me with a small hunger pain. It occurred to me that even though I had munched on the snacks he had placed I hadn't actually eaten anything besides that one meal he had given me last night. I tied my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and made my way down stairs. The air made goose bumps form on my forearms and I felt a shiver go up my spine. Something felt off today.

"Hannah?" A groggy Ren moaned out as he pulled himself up off of the couch. His dirty blonde hair scruffy as if he had gone to bed with wet hair.

"Morning sunshine." I beamed at him, teasing him really. He looked like he had just woken up from a really bad night. He snarled at me, flopping back down onto the couch. "Rough night?"

"You have no idea."

"Want some coffee?"

"Yes please, I have to go to school in like three hours." Ren informed me. I raised an eye brow at him, walking over to his Keurig and turning it on. I had an assortment of different coffee blends to choose from and while I didn't drink coffee, I knew he did.

"School? When did this happen?" I asked, choosing the breakfast blend coffee and popping it in there. Ren took his coffee black.

"About a year and a half ago. You are coming too,"

I almost squeaked at the surprise. Me? School and I have never been compatible. I more or less skipped half of it. It's a wonder how I even graduated. "Wanna run that by me again?"

"You heard me. If you like it we can sign you up and enroll you. It would be nice to get some change in your life," he pressed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his mug and walked it over to him. He eyed me, waiting for my response. When he realized that I wasn't going to say anything he sighed heavily then looked up at me. There was a sudden twinkle of light in there, almost like he knew what would win me over. Nice try, though, I'm not that open.

"We can get you a hedgehog." He promised.


"That is not fair!" I scolded.

"I swear, as soon as school is over I can find you a hedgehog. I have a breeder ready and everything." He promised. I looked down, thinking about it for a moment before looking up.


I guess snow it's snowing in Hell, because I'm going to go to school.

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