Chapter Eighteen

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I don't know who I am anymore.
I only know that in less than twenty-four hours I went from being a person to being a full fledged monster. Now I'm being transported like an animal in a white van. I'm locked in a cage, my head resting against the corner and staring blankly ahead. The soft rocking's of the van almost enough to lull me to sleep.
Almost. I'd been on the road with him for maybe 7 hours. I know I didn't bother fighting as he lead me away. His rough hands didn't feel so rough to my numb nerve endings, his grip didn't seem like a boa constrictor. If anything it felt rather loose, but the moment my skin touched the harsh coolness of the cage I found myself despising him.
My sky was falling down. Surrounding me in night.The sound of the road changed from silent hum to the sound of gravel. I scrunched my face up in confusion, not really sure where he could be taking me. I sit up slowly, wincing at how stiff my body is. I press my palm to the squared walls of the cage and feel the cold clasping my hand in a foreign embrace. My fingers curl around the bars as I start to push at the sides, grunting. I'm trapped.
The van stopped, the tires gritting the gravel. I heard the car door slam and the weight shifting. I immediately pushed myself back as far as I could go, feeling the bite of the cage against my back. I was wearing clothes that weren't mine. A pair of grey sweatpants and a white wife beater. No underwear, no bra which normally would have made me feel a bit insecure but now? This body doesn't feel like mine anymore, I barely know it. I hear the crunching as feet fell heavily, walking towards the door. The two wide doors opened and I close my eyes against the blinding sun.
I open my eyes back up, fighting the pain only to see his face staring at me. No not at me; through me. I stifle a scream and feel the urgent need to run. Just gun on through and run.

"Get out." He grunts, unlocking the cage. I don't move. He cocks an eyebrow. He grips the bars and effortlessly pulls me closer to him, I whimper pitifully. "Am I going to to have to pull you out, little one?" He's grinning though not exactly smiling. The way his eyes drilled into me makes my hands tremble. His sea blue eyes seemed to flash with hunger and I could only imagine what he was picturing about doing to me.

"If you touch me, I'll rip your heart out." I threatened through through clenched teeth, making myself sound tougher than I actually was. He chuckled darkly at my empty threat, seeing right through my lie.

"You may be a dire wolf, but you have the heart of a kitten." He hissed with disgust. I smirked, landing a hard kick to his face making him grunt an oof before falling back. With him now a few feet away from me I finally felt the courage to hop out of the cage. His head twitched to the side, face contorted into a snarl with his teeth bared. He quickly made his way back to me, his hand now gripping loosely around my throats as he forced me back. My back was arching at an almost unnatural angle, his body was pressed tightly to me. My eyes widened, my gut filling with regret. I felt a grumble inside my chest.

"Kitty's got claws." I mused out in a husky voice. Where the fuck did that come from?

"Try that again and I'll be sure to declaw you, kitten." He spat the last word out, I could hear him panting, breathing in through his nose and practically growling out of his mouth.

"I'd like to see you try, pup." I spat back. Stop it! I couldn't help but yell at myself inwardly. I had no idea where this new found courage was coming from. His sea blue eyes melted away into a fiery yellow, stirring up a new found hunger in me. I felt the growl coming from him before I heard it.


I inhaled sharply, recognizing the silky voice. I'd heard it every time I got into trouble, granted it was always telling me to runaway. My breathing came out shaky as my body suddenly surged with life.

"I'm serious, Hannah. I have no patience for you, no matter if you are my kind or not. Try it again and see what happens." He pushed off, his hand gripping my arm too tightly.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" I struggled against his pull. He merely tugged harder. I scanned my surroundings. There were more trees here than I was used to. The air smelled cleaner and the birds seemed to sing instead of coo. Ahead of us was a large cabin like mansion. It seemed rustic but luxurious. The screen door creaked open, making me flinch at the sound.

"Ty!" A rather squat but somewhat muscular man called out, a smile creeping on his face. His jeans seemed too long for him, but his plaid short-sleeved seemed to fit him perfectly.

"Benny!" The dark haired man who gripped me called back, halfway embracing him.

"Good to have you here, man." He stopped, looking me up at down as if sizing me up. "Is this her?" He asked. Ty shot him a 'duh' look.

"She doesn't seem like much of a challenge." He laughed.

"Trust me, she's more trouble than she's worth." Ty mumbled. My top lip twitches as my agitation grew.

"Hey! She is right here. And if I'm such a problem, Ty, then just let me the fuck go." I snapped, finally tearing my arm free only to have Ty's finger crook into the hem of my sweatpants. I stopped and narrowed my eyes.

"I see what you mean." Benny chuckled again, turning around and waving us in. I stood still, Ty matched my stillness. We both stared at each other, our pride not letting us back down.

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