Chapter 5

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There wasn't much light, through lidded eyes everything still seemed dim. There was hardly any noise, save for a few people gossiping and some shoes padding across the ground. The rhythmic beeping continued, making my head pound with it's beat. I furrowed my brows and moved my head slightly only to pause as pain seeped deeply into my bones. I groaned deeply, hearing the soft rustle of a pillow.

Wait, what?

With as much strength as I could muster I groggily peeled my eyes open. My eyes peering through my lashes and landing creme colored curtain which was closed for my privacy. I blinked and opened my eyes a little wider, willing myself to wake up. The room smelled sterile, save for the stale, stagnant smell coming from me. There were cabinets over a sterling silver sink which was cleaned. I was in a hospital room. I sat myself up, wincing at the pain as I did so. At least I was able to do this much; in my opinion I was in a much better condition than I was last night. Though I was still weak, the pain I was feeling was now manageable and I could live with it. I felt an uncomfortable tug at the bend of my arm and I looked down and frowned. They had hooked me up to an I.V.

I sighed and grunted as I fell back into my pillow. I admit, there was about a million questions floating through my mind right now.
How did I get here? Who saved me? Are the cops here, because I did not want to deal with them right now.

What happened last night?

I tried to sort through my thoughts when I heard the curtains being drawn back. I lifted my head up and found a heavier set woman standing in front of me; her ebony hair pulled back into a messy bun and her skin a milk chocolate color. She smiled at me.

"Well good morning, sunshine." She greeted. Clearly she was a morning person. I blinked and nodded in response, my throat tickling as it strained. She walked over to the computer and began clicking away. "Not a morning person, huh? That's OK, not a lot are."

I inhaled deeply through my nose and cleared my throat. This was going to hurt.

"How did I get here?" I rasped. My throat felt scratchy and irritated. There was still some water caught in my lungs, I could feel their heaviness. The nurse looked at me with a soft expression as she came over and placed a blood pressure cuff around my arm.

"You were on the dock, unconscious and had abrasions and minor cuts on your body. You were drenched and on the verge of death–"

"I know what happened to me. I need to know how I freaking got in here!" I interrupted, coughing violently. The nurse chuckled and shook her head.

"I was getting to that. Calm your attitude."

I looked down, feeling a little guilty. I had been a little snappy with her even though what happened to me wasn't her fault.

"Right, sorry."

"I found you." She sighed, typing my blood pressure into the computer. My eyes widened in shock, she didn't even know me and yet she decided to take me to the hospital. That was kind of cool.

"What is wrong with me?" I questioned quietly. My headache was pulsating by now.

"You have a bruised rib, sprained ankle and a slight concussion." She informed, giving me a cup with two white pills in it. I eyed it cautiously, my gaze hardened. "It's aspirin."
I took the cup gladly and swallowed the pills. Hopefully this would help my pin.

"Hey, Dee? Patient in 245 needs you help getting out of bed." Another nurse peeped in my room. Clearly the hospital was busy. I heard Dee mutter a curse before assuring me shed be back and exiting the room. I immediately sat up, the pain subsiding some as I swung my legs over the side of the uncomfortable hospital bed. The floor was cold against my bare feet and I quickly padded my way over to the counter top and grabbed my neatly folded clothes up. Jesus, Dee was nice, she washed my clothes. I'd have to remember to thank her when she got b–

My breath caught in my throat as I saw the slim figure of Jazzy. She was carrying around a metal tray, knocking on every door to each room. She wore a candy striper outfit, I guess I should've remembered. She was a candy striper, it was part of her alter ego. I guess you didn't want people to believe me if I went to the police about everything that it happened last night.

I hitched my pants up, hissing in the process. If she saw me I was fucked. She was entering a room, carrying her tray with her. Her curls bouncing with each step. Anger boiled in my blood and I tugged on my shirt. If I could, I would have kicked her ass, unfortunately for me I wasn't in the condition nor was I exactly in the right situation to teach her a lesson. There was one thing that I could do, though.

Time to break out.

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