Chapter 13

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A slow, wicked smile spread across his lips.

"Gotcha." His voice rasped as he gave one last hard kick to the center of the door. Her scent had led him to this room. There was no way she wasn't in here. The door finally gave way, a loud crash and sudden wave of screams erupted from his intrusion. He rushed into the room, his eyes scanning over his surrounding. There was a wave of scents that washed over him, almost every single one smelled horribly. All, that is, save for hers. His eyes narrowed, locking into hers as their eyes met. Now that she was awake he was able to fully take in her appearance. For a moment there was something that he thought he recognized–something ancient–but that was most likely the effect of adrenaline. His prey was now standing before him; bold, girl. Not bold enough, though.

Her features darkened, her face wearing a snarl before she suddenly lashed out at him. Pain crept its way into his senses as her foot connected roughly with his sternum; sending him flying back. He landed on a table which collapsed under his weight. He groaned loudly, though he was sure no one heard it over the panicked screams. It was then that he realized that she was attempting to make an escape. He lifted his head up, noticing her brows raise in shock as realization hit. Ty glared at her as he pushed himself. She was standing in the middle of the room now.

He clicked his tongue and circled her slowly. Ren–and all the students in the room–watched them with suffocating anxiety. As they should. Ty was absolutely pissed. In less than a millisecond he could have his hand around her neck, crushing her windpipe until she fell unconscious. It might be worth it just so that he could get this over and done with. He digressed and continued his game of cat and mouse with her, though. She was oblivious to the danger that she was in, or at least to the full extent of the danger. For a moment he felt insulted. "You can't run from me, kid," he chuckled darkly. "Don't you remember? You are mine." He claimed. His eyes went from her to Ren who cowered in the corner. His gaze fell upon the silver medallion that hung from the mans neck.


What was with this chick and attracting Hunters? He went to look back at her only to find her missing. He paused, clearly taken aback. What the hell?

     I was gone before he even finished the sentence, once his eyes were off of me I ran

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     I was gone before he even finished the sentence, once his eyes were off of me I ran. I ran so fast, thinking he'd come after me, push me down onto the ground with his strong arms. I don't know what happened to me back there. Something about what he said snapped me out of my trance. Whatever had happened, it didn't matter. I was running and I wasn't looking back. I ran straight through the hall and swerved down the stairs, skipping two or three steps at a time. I was passing someone on the steps; my shoulder made contact with them. I hardly felt it until I turned and met the gaze of who it was. My eyes widened.


His cobalt eyes stared back into mine with shock, he stopped dead in his tracks. Shit. I noticed that I was nearing the ground floor and instead of just continuing on this path I leapt over the railing. I could see the exit door a few paces ahead of me, it's promise of freedom practically vibrating from it. I just hoped that Ren left his car unlocked. I could easily hot-wire it. Damn, if I survive this I need to repent for my sins. I hurtled through the door, my shoulder impacting too roughly into it's hard metal surface. I could just faintly hear his footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"I need distance." I told myself. 

I got to the car and pulled desperately on the door handle. It wouldn't open, the car door was locked. I was about to give up when I noticed that his window was down. Reaching in, I unlocked the door and opened it.

I looked back, huge mistake. He was there, casually strolling out of the school. He wasn't in much of a hurry, he seemed convinced that I couldn't escape. I closed the door, peeling off the cover and revealing the wires. I made quick work of them, glancing up and checking on the status of his location every now and then. He was still strolling along, his hand raking through his unkempt light brown hair. At last I heard the roar of the engine as it came to life. I scooted the seat forward and shifted the gear from park to reverse. He paused, suddenly aware that I was perfectly capable of leaving. His black leather bikers jacket crinkling as he began to sprint towards me, his face twisting into an angry expression. I backed up easily and corrected the wheel. The tire spun furiously against the pavement causing smoke and burning rubber to fill the air. I tensed my muscles, hearing him smash himself against the passenger window. He clawed at the door, his eyes hard. I pushed the accelerator down harder, making the car do a bunny-hop. The wiring was slipping, causing the engine to stall. Fortunately the tires continued to spin. He dived at the car, gripping the side mirror. He clung to it as if his life depended on it.

Technically it did.

"No you don't!" He shouted, his voice firm and commanding. He was trying to will me into just giving up. That's not me. As I drove I increased my speed, swerving roughly in an attempt to shake him off. His grip never loosened.

"Unbelievable!" I growled in disbelief. I heard the door handle being pulled and the familiar click of the door as it swung open. I pressed the accelerator down again, causing the door to swing close, causing him to punch the window in frustration. I stretched my arm out to try and reach the lock button on the door but fell short a few centimeters. Once again he pulled on the door handle, this time opening the door successfully and hopped in. I swerved again, causing the door to slam shut onto his leg. He let out a howl in pain. His voice was hoarse, ragged and raw. He glared at me with pool blue eyes. Without warning his fist came flying at me, I winced and let go of the wheel. I heard the tires screeching as the car swerved out of control. I opened my mouth to let out a scream until I felt pain as his fist collided into my face but stopped short as blackness once again claimed my consciousness.

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