Chapter 2

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I woke up and got ready for school. I looked into my mom and dad's room and saw them asleep. I never get to see them. It's like they don't even bother to be apart of my life. Things have to change. I got into my car and drove to school.


I got up and did my running late stuff. I don't even care the fact that I'm late. My dad could at least wake me up but whatever. He's so annoying sometimes. He says that a man has his own responsibilities and that I should be a man but he isn't any more man then me. He's never home he's always at school he doesn't know a thing about me or my sister. But my mom does..she knows way more than my dad. Also real men don't cheat on their wife. A year ago my dad cheated on my mom. Mom knows she can do better but apparently love makes her forgive him. See love is never fair. That's why I'll never fall in love.


I got to school and was in first period. I didn't see Chris. Apart of me wanted to see him today. Then the door opened. My heart started beating fast and Chris walked in. That is so weird..I hope I'm not falling for him.

" Chris come in here and take your seat. Page 39 in your book.


He walked past me and I could smell his cologne. He smelled good and looked good. He had black skinnies with a beanie and a hash tag shirt. I do have to admit he is very handsome.


I walked in and sat down. Paige sits right next to me and she looked good today. She wore a tank top with leggings that had "x" on them. Her hair was in a bun and she had a little bit of make up on. Vans on her feet and red lipstick on...that's the kind of girl that makes you want to rip off all her clothes.

" Ok class I have picked a partner for you guys. I can't tell you what your project is about but I have assigned specific things for you and your partner."


She read down the list and I was partnered with Chris. This is gonna be good...I think. Class ended and we went gym. Today is gonna be a good day.



I was happy when my partner was Paige she is definitely gonna be an easy catch. I saw her sitting at a table so I came and sat with her.

"Hey Paige"


" what's going on"

" You know...eating some chips"


I couldn't help but laugh. It was akwardly funny. Chris started laughing. He has such the cutest laugh. We talked for a while about the teachers and he's easy to talk to. He could be a really good friend. We walked to class and soon the day was over. He walked me to my car and gave me a hug. I couldn't help but think about him on the ride home. Then I remembered all about Sean. I honestly forgot about him when I was with Chris.


I was a gentleman to Paige all today. Walking her to class, hugging her, walking her to her car. Man I can tell she's falling deep in my trap. She's fun to be around and makes me laugh alot. If I can say..that's one thing I like about her she can make me laugh. When I hugged her it felt...good. Her body on mine and feeling her heart beat. Damn I sound like I'm falling in love.

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