Act 1 - Part 4

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I stared at Demi as she kept the gun pointed at me, my face angry, because I had fallen for her trick. I wasn't even sure who I was more angry at. Her or me. How could I have fallen for the oldest trick in the book? I really did trust her & I really did have blinders on, when it came to her.

"I know you think that was all a ploy to get the gun. But, I really did mean everything I just said, Nick. I'm sorry I had to kiss you, but I couldn't let you keep doing this. You need to leave." Demi spoke in a shaky voice.

I stood up, slowly, my hands raised, defensively. Demi moved further away from me, keeping the gun pointed at me. "I'm drunk, Demi. You really want me driving like this?"

"Call a fucking cab or an Uber. I don't give a shit. All I know is that you need to leave."

I put my hands down & watched her, with a smirk on my face. "You need to put the gun down before you accidentally shoot me."

Demi stepped back, a few more feet, then lowered the gun

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Demi stepped back, a few more feet, then lowered the gun. "I know this is your brother's gun. I'll make sure he gets it back. I just need you to leave & I need to know you're going to be okay, so that's why I'm keeping this gun. I'm not giving it back to you. I will give it to your brother & no one else."

I shook my head & sighed. "I'll leave, Demi. Just give me the gun & I'll go."

"That's not happening, Nick. You're drunk. You're not thinking clearly, so I am going to keep it, to make sure you're safe & don't do anything stupid again, tonight. If you don't leave, I am going to call the police & then you'll go to jail or some psych ward somewhere. I don't want you to be arrested or put in a straight jacket, Nick. Just turn & walk out the door, call a cab or Uber & then go home & sleep it off. Tomorrow when you wake up, you make an appointment to see a counselor or someone."

"I don't need to talk to someone."

"Yes, you do. You need help. You've snapped."

"Demi, I am brokenhearted. I don't need a fucking counselor!"

"Lots of people get broken hearts, but they don't wield a gun around, pointing it at their ex girlfriends. You should talk to someone. You have to do something to get over me. Whatever you need to do, do it, because I don't want you coming near me again or calling me or running into me, accidentally." Demi reached to pick up her phone. "Are you going to leave or am I calling the police?"

"I'm leaving. I'll just drive myself home." I turned around to walk toward her door.

"Nick, don't! You've drank a lot & you're in no position to drive. I may not want to be with you anymore, but I still care about you. I don't want to see you throw your future away because I broke your heart." I heard her tapping on her phone. "I'm calling an Uber. I have the app on my phone." After a few minutes of being on her phone, she looked up. "There's one a few blocks away. They're on their way. You have money?"

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