Act 2 - Part 1

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When I stepped into Nick's house, my gaze went directly to the sleeping girl, on his couch, that I knew was his girlfriend. I didn't like her, already & I didn't even know her. That's how my brain was working these days. I needed help, but I had no idea how to get it or even ask for it. I felt like I was spiraling out of control. I took a deep breath, trying to be strong.

Nick came up behind me, when I stopped by the couch. I felt his hand on the small of my back. "Let me wake up Jordyn. She's a nurse, so she can tend to your face & clean you up." He said, in a low voice near my head. I watched him walk around the couch & sit on the coffee table. I narrowed my eyes when I saw him touch Jordyn the way he used to touch me. He gave her a little shake as he spoke, loud enough to wake her. "Baby? Wake up. Jordyn."

I had to close my eyes for a moment, feeling ill when he called her baby a few times. When my eyes opened, so did hers a moment later. She stretched, giving me a great view of her perfect body. "Are you going to bed?" She asked, sleepily. Did she spend the night often? Why did I care? Ugh, I hated my brain. 

Nick glanced up at me as he shook his head & Jordyn turned her head to see what he was looking at. She looked confused when she saw me, then looked back at Nick. "Jordyn, this is Demi." Nick said, slowly.

"Demi? Your ex Demi?" She asked, sounding amused, almost giddy, like she was in disbelief

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"Demi? Your ex Demi?" She asked, sounding amused, almost giddy, like she was in disbelief. Nick nodded his head & Jordyn slid off the couch to stand up. When she turned to face me, she was wearing a smile. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." I replied.

"What happened to you?" She asked, sounding genuinely concerned. 

"Her boyfriend hit her & she didn't want to go home & was too ashamed & embarrassed to go to her friends. She came here, because she didn't think she had anywhere else to go. I thought maybe you could tend to her wounds, since it's your job." Nick explained as he stood up.  

Jordyn looked surprised, but then she nodded. "Of course. Why don't you come with me to the bathroom? Nick, if you have some frozen veggies in the freezer, get one out & put it in a towel. I'll need it after I clean her up, to help with the swelling." Jordyn walked to the bathroom, motioning for me to follow & I did. When I got to Nick's bathroom, I was surprised it was so masculine. I expected it to be girly, since Jordyn probably spent a lot of time here. "Go ahead & sit on the toilet." She said as she got a first aid kit from the closet. She pulled a stool out from under the sink & sat on it, facing me.

I didn't say a word as she started wiping my facial wounds. I flinched a few times & she apologized, but, other than that, she didn't speak for several minutes. I could tell she was a good nurse as she worked diligently. Finally, I couldn't take the silence & decided to speak. "How long have you & Nick been together?"

She frowned, like she wasn't sure she wanted to answer. "Uh.... about six months." She replied & I nodded. "Your boyfriend that did this to you... how long have you been with him?"

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