Act 3 - Part 3

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As Demi & I got closer to our hotel, I got the feeling she was concerned about something. I pulled her into the elevator & saw she was biting her lip, something she did when she had something on her mind. I was about to ask her what was wrong, when a few other people got in the elevator, with us. Actually, quite a few people got into the elevator, so it was a little cramped. I held Demi close to me & watched her as she looked down, smiling, but still seeming nervous. 

The elevator ride was a slow one, since there were so many people, on it, with us. We had to stop, several times, to let people off & our room was on one of the top floors, so it seemed to take forever. At one point, I had to pull Demi even closer, when a large woman, with several shopping bags was trying to get situated to step off, onto her floor. Demi put her arm around my neck & I smiled at her. I kissed her cheek, quickly & she started biting her lip again. I leaned to whisper in her ear, "I can't wait to get to our room."

Demi's eyes darted away from mine as she giggled, nervously. I kissed her neck once before she pulled away. Once the elevator started to go again, I looked to see that just one woman was in here with us. She smiled at us & I returned the smile. When we got to her floor, she turned & said, "You two look so in love. It's refreshing to see that in the world today. How long have you been together?"

 How long have you been together?"

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"This was our first date." I replied & Demi sighed, impatiently.

The woman's eyes got wide & Demi had to chime in. "He's joking. We've been together for six years."

The woman nodded, smiling, as the elevator doors opened. "I thought so. I can see it in the way you look at each other. Well...goodnight. You have a good evening." She said as she walked out. 

"You, too." Demi called out as the doors shut, then she turned to me. "You need to stop telling people it's our first date."

"You need to stop telling people we've been together for six years."

"Well we have been, because for tonight, I want to pretend the last three years didn't happen."

I leaned to kiss her, softly. "But they did happen, my dear."

She sighed, blowing a strand of hair away from her eye. "I know."

"You okay? You seem nervous or something. While we were walking back here, I noticed."

"You still know me so well." She replied, leaning on the wall of the elevator. There was a ding & the doors opened to our floor. "Come on. I'll tell you when we get to the room."

"Okay." I said, feeling a little anxious myself as I followed her out the door, then walked down the hall to our room. She unlocked the door, then we went inside. When the door closed, I grabbed her around the waist & pulled her to me. "Since it's not our first date & we've been together for six years, we should consummate our relationship." I leaned to kiss her, but she pushed me away. 

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