Act 2 - Part 3

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So I had this crazy idea in my head, that going to a baseball game, on a double date with Nick & Jordyn, would force Nick to realize his feelings for me. I thought he'd be jealous when he saw me being cute, with Mike or when he saw us kiss, which I would make sure happened. I didn't give any thought, to the fact, that I'd have to see Nick & Jordyn being intimate, in front of me. I don't know what I was thinking, but clearly I wasn't thinking at all. I had no idea, though, since the night started off fine, that I'd see a lot more of Nick & Jordyn, being intimate, than I cared to see.

The evening was going well, when I left Mike in the limo, & walked up to Nick's front door, but it quickly, turned sour. Nick's main door was wide open, but the screen door was shut, giving me a full view of inside Nick's house, when I stepped up to it. What I saw made me sick & I should have gone home & forgotten my plan, all together, but I couldn't. I saw Nick & Jordyn sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall, her dress hiked up & Nick's pants undone. That wasn't the worst part. The worst thing I saw was the kiss. It was sweet & passionate & tender & hot & I had a feeling they just had sex, right there, on the living room floor. The way he was kissing her made me want to throw up because I remember when he used to kiss me like that & he'd make me weak in the knees. I swallowed the bile that threatened to come up & backed down the steps of his porch. I turned around to walk to the limo, when Mike got out.

"I gotta piss. You think Nick would care if I used his bathroom?" Mike asked as he walked toward me.

 You think Nick would care if I used his bathroom?" Mike asked as he walked toward me

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I shook my head, unable to speak, then Mike took my hand & headed back to the house. I made sure I stomped, loudly, on the steps so Nick & Jordyn could hear us. When we got to the door, they stared at us with wide eyes. Mike waved, innocently, having no idea what we were interrupting. I looked away, but I heard Jordyn's voice & it sounded like she was out of breath. "Hey guys... come on in." She said & Mike opened the screen door to step inside. 

I followed Mike inside & I took a deep breath, avoiding Nick's gaze, as I tried to compose myself & forget what I had witnessed. I also had to stop picturing, in my head, what they had done minutes before I saw them. "Mike, you remember Jordyn. Well, this is Nick, her boyfriend. Nick, this is Mike, my boyfriend." I said, glancing at Nick as he shot me a confused look when I introduced him as Jordyn's boyfriend.

Mike shook Nick's hand. "Nice to meet you." Nick said, politely. "Thanks for inviting us to this game. I'm pumped since the Dodgers are looking like they could make it into the world series." Nick gushed, in an excited tone. 

"No problem. It should be an amazing game. We're going to have a good time. I've got access to a party loge but I've also got seats in the VIP section along the third baseline." Mike replied, a big grin on his face.

Nick's eyes got wide as he let out a noise that showed he was very impressed. "Wow. You've got quite the hook up."

"My company is connected & we get stuff all the time. All we have to do is sign up & it helps to have good attendance, which I do. My company also does IT for a limo company which is why we're able to ride to the ballpark in style." Mike clapped his hands together as he glanced at me, smiling. He looked back at Jordyn & Nick, while I kept my eyes averted to the floor. "Would it be okay if I used your restroom before we go?" He asked, sounding so polite, I smiled.

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