Act 2 - Part 5

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(Trigger warning for this chapter)

I opened my eyes, but couldn't see very clearly. Something wet was in my eyes & when I reached up to touch my head & it hurt, I figured it was probably blood. I looked around & saw the scene before me. It looked like a war zone, with broken glass & crumpled metal, lying all over the ground. There were flashing lights all around me & when I focused my eyes, I saw the lights were coming from emergency vehicles.

I was already halfway out of the car, so I pulled myself out all the way & stood up. As soon as I steadied myself, I started walking & saw a stretcher nearby with a body on it. The body wasn't covered up, so I knew the person was alive. I glanced back at the car & saw no one was in it, so the person on the stretcher must be Jordyn. I walked toward the gurney & heard people yelling, then realized they were yelling at me.

EMT people were surrounding me, trying to get me to stop walking & then they were shouting questions at me. "Jordyn? Is she okay? Is she alive?" I asked in a shaky voice, ignoring the questions.

I got to the gurney & saw Jordyn's eyes were open. She had a head injury, but she was awake. "I'm alive. Sorry. You can't have Nick back." She snapped, just before they put her in the back of an ambulance.

I went to speak again, but things got blurry & my head felt weird. I lost consciousness, but I didn't hit the ground because of all the arms, that had been holding onto me.

The next time I woke up, I was in a hospital room. I heard the beeping & I could smell the stench of a sterile environment. I saw a nurse by my bed & she smiled down at me. "Hello. I'm Abby. Welcome back." She said.

"What day is it? How long was I unconscious?"

"You came in last night. You've been unconscious for about twelve hours or so. You're lucky to be alive, but you're also lucky that you didn't have any serious injuries. I saw photos from the crash & it could have been a lot worse, for both you & your friend. You both came out nearly unscathed, so you two have some guardian angels looking out for you."

"My friend is okay, then?" I asked, moving to sit up a little. I winced from the pain, but it was mostly from calling Jordyn my friend.

 I winced from the pain, but it was mostly from calling Jordyn my friend

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"She's alive. She had to get stitches in her head, but she should be fine." Abby smiled, warmly.

"And the baby?"

Abby's face contorted to a confused scowl. "Baby?"

I nodded my head, ever so slightly. "My friend is pregnant."

"Oh. I didn't hear anything, but I'm not her nurse. I guess she has a few friends, though, that work here, since she's also a nurse & they've been taking care of her." Abby turned to walk to the end of my bed. "A young man has been waiting outside for you, to wake up. He's her boyfriend, from what I gather, but he sure seems concerned about you."

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